Chapter 373

'Your little Mestarn is nearing maturity, Sila.'

Mila and Nanny turned to see a woman about mama's age walking their way with a wide smile.

Mila watched as Nanny moved to embrace the woman, a wide smile on her face.

'Yes, I think she is, Forniua. How are you all?'

They hugged tight while Mila stared with curiosity. Nanny was one of the few non gifted in her life, hired as a permanent addition to their family to assist with raising Mila while both her parents worked hard at their roles within the land of Vo'Arum.

'And what are you here for today, little one?' Nanny's friend crouched to smile at Mila, who suddenly lost her voice, ducking back a step behind Nanny.

Nanny laughed.

'She's here to see what life is like for a villager, to get some understanding of what she will be protecting as a Mestarn.'

'Ah, well then, come right this way. Today is washing day.' The woman offered her hand to Mila who after a hesitant glance at Nanny, took it. 'And what do we call you by?'