Chapter 378

Nanny lifted Mila off her and hurried to help Mama. Mila stared in fascination as the two women heaved at her bed, pushing it across the room.

There where her bed had sat was a large square wrought-iron gate set into the floor.

It looked just like the manhole!

Mama dropped to her knees next to it, seizing the iron ring handle with both hands and pulling back. When it didn't budge she bent forward to examine it then twisted, shouting. 'Zayck! THE KEY?!'

A string of curses rang out from the other room when another CRACK of energy struck the door, sharper than the last one. Nanny leapt onto the bed beside Mila, snatching her close.

Papa rushed through the bedroom door. 'What? Can't you find it?'

'Where'd we put it?' Mama demanded, ripping items from Mila's closet, hunting through the shelves.

'I'll check our bedroom.' Papa hurried from the room.

Nanny and Mila sat clutching each other, bodies tense when another bolt rang out.

An ominous splintering CRACK made Nanny gasp.