Chapter 389

The air smelled cold, and something else, something Mila found familiar but out of place.

'Mama,' she whispered. 'What's that smell?'

'What smell, lovey?'

'It smells like,' Mila paused, considering. 'It smells like the kitchen, when cook has fresh rabbits.'

Mama didn't say anything but she looked at Papa.

'I smell it,' said another voice from within the circle.

'Me too.'


'Perhaps. The scent will carry when the air is still.'

Not understanding what "carrion" meant, but glad that the adults appeared to have solved the smell, Mila relaxed a little, nose wrinkling at the sharp edge of that scent.

Minutes ticked by as they covered good ground.

'We're close,' said the man leading them.

A screech flashed past overhead, the group twisting, following the sound.

A man shouted.

Mila's head snapped in the direction of the shout, just in time to glimpse the man's boots vanishing as something, something with enormous black wings, snatched him up!