Chapter 24

Taking a different approach, Eoin leaned back against the couch and met Ally's eyes. 'Would you watch our friends die from curable diseases? Diseases that, for their bodies, are incurable?'

The fearful expression in Ally's eyes flickered and she turned her face away from him, staring unblinking at the wall.

He continued, 'Could you watch Leesa die from something you personally could fix?'

A muscle twitched in Ally's cheek. She kept her stoic stare at the wall.

'Love, it's not as though I'm mixing our blood with that of a human's. I'm aiming to re-design the virus, and with that change the actual virus in our blood. We'll still be the same!'

Ally turned her head then and the expression she wore tore at him.

'They aren't worthy. They go out of their way to destroy us, for ridiculous stories! They would torture and maim, for their own pleasure, and call it revenge. For things that never happened!'