Chapter 21

We shouldn't have to take this. De Finibus doesn't trade with any planets in the Admin sector, so it should not be taxed as such. We will send a petition to the CoCP for reform. If nothing changes, perhaps we can call on our neighbors for support.

-Dahlia Michaels, Altered planetary council member, December 30th, 2169 CE

EVE LOST TRACK of time. Sitting around in the same concrete room with the same people and the same stupid lights humming over her head had really begun to screw with her ability to keep track of how many days had passed.

Teth was another thing which never changed. Every time Eve looked, she could see him sitting quietly in one of the room's corners. She couldn't tell if he was brooding (because that's what manly men do) or if he was pondering his next action.

Each time Eve woke Teth was gone, off to secure supplies or patrol the immediate area. At some later point in the day he would come back with food and sometimes fresh changes of clothes.