Chapter 49


"Come on!" Eve groaned. "Cal, tell him it's true."

"I'm staying out of this."

"Seriously," Teth said. "You did not say 'I'm a jackass' in Nory Glasshand's voice when you unlocked his computer."

"Fine," Eve huffed. "If you don't want to believe me, that's fine. All that matters is I know it happened."

"I know you robbed him, Ortega," Teth said. "That was all over the TeleNetwork for a few days. I just think you're adding to the story now."


Eve bit back her retort as Captain Winstead appeared, seemingly out of thin air. Teth's eyes narrowed, and Cal took a sudden interest in the Freedom's ceiling. Captain Winstead put on a small smile, one that Eve returned with slightly strained results.

"Your training went well today," the Captain said. "I wish we had a thousand cadets like you five. The Sovereignty would surrender within the week."

"Thank you, sir," said Eve. "I'm glad we've made some progress."