Those Altered bastards strut up and down the street like they own the place. If we're not careful, one day they will.
-Unknown citizen of Earth, September 29th, 2189 CE
"No," Pyra said. "I got this."
"What happened to taking it easy?" Nift asked, crossing his arms. The gang was back in their regular Arena corner, in their assigned positions. The twins hovered at Pyra's side. The boy picked at his metal collar, succeeding only in wearing down his fingernails.
"I'll handle today, Pyra," Nift continued. "You need to rest."
"Not today," she said. "Need to be at the front if Chip comes at us again."
"We can take them without you. I've talked to Will, Atlas, and Sal, and they agree."
"Looks like I have a mutiny on my hands," Pyra smirked. "And I've only been bossing people around for two months. That must be some kind of record."