Chapter 76

There's more than home out there!

Join the Coalition Colonization Initiative today!

NO work experience required.

NO payment necessary.

MUST be fearless.

See the galaxy, one Hop at a time.

-CoCP Colonization Initiative poster, September 9th, 2211 CE


"Could be worse," Mad said, trying and failing to move her left arm in Derick's makeshift (but tight) sling. "Thanks for patching me up. I probably wasn't among the most cooperative patients at the time."

Eve snored slightly, but Teth didn't stir from his own sleep, head slumping against the back of his chair, arms crossed. After their argument, Mad had watched the Altered boy for a time, half-worried he would leave of his own accord and half-furious at him for taking such a disrespectful tone with her. Though he had never been an especially obedient soldier, Teth had never openly confronted her about an issue.