Chapter 85

TETH DIDN'T BELIEVE his eyes. He thought he'd seen Cade take a bullet, but perhaps it had been a trick of the smoke. He threw another lightning bolt down the stairs, catching yet another guard in the ribs. He strained to see Lisha through the smoke, but he could only partly make out Eve. Derick grabbed his shoulder, wrenching him away from the top step as the Sovereignty forces below released another volley of gunfire.

Derick returned a few shots, cursing when his rifle clicked empty. He tossed it to the pockmarked floor, drawing his pistol.

"What happened?" Teth called, his voice seeming too loud and too quiet amidst the fighting. "Eve?"

"Cade's dead," she replied. "Stray bullet got him."

"What do we do now?" Teth asked. A guard appeared at the top of the stairs, pointing his rifle straight into Derick's face. Teth placed his hand on the guard's chest plate, releasing a torrent of lightning into his body. The guard flew down the stairs, adding to the growing pile.