WHEN REINFORCEMENTS CAME, Eve was ready for them. The first guard that appeared at the bottom of the stairs caught a bullet in the shin, and the second dropped his rifle as a slug pierced his shoulder. A third braced herself against the wall at the bottom of the stairs, taking wild shots upward from around the corner. Eve ducked as several shots pinged off the steel bars of the cell directly behind her, burying themselves in the stained walls and floor.
Teth threw a lightning bolt just as two more guards appeared, singeing one to the bone and throwing the other limply to the floor. Derick and Eve placed a few wild shots of their own, and Eve frowned at the bodies piling up beside the last step.
"How are we supposed to get out of here?" she asked. "Definitely not out the front door."
"There's a window down by the other cells," Derick replied. "It's barred, but Lisha should be able to melt them off."
"We're on the second floor!"