Su Li

Su Li lay on the bed and looked at the gray ceiling. The memories of the past started to surface again. When he was young, he was often dressed up as a girl by his mother, and over time, he himself felt strange.

His father was very angry about his mother's behavior of dressing him up as a girl. Every time he encountered such a thing, he would beat his mother. And as time passed, he was never dressed as a girl by his mother anymore. But he often acted subconsciously, his tone of speech, manner, and what he likes has become that of a girl. No matter his classmates, friends, and teacher all said that he should have been a girl, not a boy.

Even he himself felt that he was born with the wrong gender. He once saw a saying that, the gender of a person is determined by their soul and thinking, and he feels that his soul and mind is that of a girl, but in a gender of a boy.

In the end, in his sixth grade of elementary school, he finally told his parent that he wanted to become a girl.

Well, of course, his father beat him violently. Afterward, he lay on his mother's arms and wept bitterly. His mother is also crying with him at that time. And his father is standing beside him with a wooden broom in his hand.

After that, his father never talked to him anymore, as if..... he didn't exist anymore. After not coming home for a while, my father brought back a few bags of medicine, told him to take them, and said that, since the decision is made, we can no longer regret it.

Later, he knew the drug was anti-androgen drugs that also boost estrogen. The price for the drugs is very expensive, and his family had to use half of the family income to buy these drugs for him every month.

Afterward, his father looks like he's aged by dozens of years old. And to this day, He has never seen his father smile again. As if the expression of smiling has been lost from his father.

He was originally called Su Mochen. But after that incident, his family changed his name to Su Li. The gender on his family registry was changed to female and even his ID card was also changed to female.

If it weren't for the male reproductive organs that hadn't disappeared to remind him, Su Li would always feel that he was a girl, but in fact, he was just a ladyboy.

Lying on the bed, Su Li curled up and tightened his coat tightly. He suddenly felt cold. Although it was winter, the central air conditioner in the dormitory was on and the dormitory is very warm. Unknowingly a tear started to form in the corner of his eyes.

At this time, the door opened, Li Yun and Xiao Ling entered the dormitory with a plastic bag. Xiao Ling said happily, "we're back...!, we're pretty lucky today, the sports exam is pretty simple, and we are also able to bring back the last cotton candy!".

"Huh? Su Li, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Ling and Li Yun immediately throw their bag and the plastic bag into the table and then came to Su Li's bed. Seeing him still curled up, Xiao Ling gently pushed Su Li's body. Su Li's returned from reminiscing his past.

"Sorry, I'm a little sleepy, I didn't hear you calling me"

"Mm... it's okay, I thought you were sick! really, it's almost winter and your body is weak, so you shouldn't have wear such thin clothing, here, use my coat for now"

"Mine too". Li Yun said.

Both of them took off their coat and put it on Su Li's body.

"Thank you"

"Ah! I almost forgot", Xiao Ling got up, walk to the table, took out the cotton candy from the plastic bag, and then give it to Su Li.

Taking the cotton candy, his eyes lit up. This is his favorite snack, soft, and melts in the mouth, just as beautiful as a lily.

"That's right! Xiao Li, have you watched it? UniFy company will release a game soon, I heard it is a virtual reality game like never before! I really looked forward to it!"

Looking at the expectation on Xiao Ling's face, Su Li couldn't help but recalled the latest announcement made by the world's largest game manufacturer, UniFy Company some time ago.

The game is called "Heaven Choice", This game is unlike the previous games, the reason why is the company announced that it has a 100% synchronism realism rate!. That's right! In this game, you can do anything, it's like having a second life!.

Not only that, the system of the "Heaven Choice" had an exceedingly detailed modeling function that was able to create a copy of one's real self, as well as make subtle changes to one's liking. Even height, physique, and age could be changed within defined parameters. However, the customized character can't be too different from the original!.

When it was announced, it became a hot topic for many people, especially middle and old-aged people. This is also because the company said that this game can grant one wish to people who can complete an ultimate goal issued by the company.

"They said that they can grant any wish that the player made! isn't that awesome?!" Said Xiao Ling.

"Huh?, Any wish?"

"Yes! Any wish is okay! But many players expressed disbelief, and UniFy stated that if the player's requirements cannot be met, they will hand over all the shares and powers of UniFy to this Player."

Su Li lowered his head, a wish that can definitely be realized, this made him very, very emotional!

"Xiao Li! What is your wish? Can you tell me?" Xiao Ling asked with a smile.

Su Li was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and whispered: "My wish...My wish is very ordinary, it's nothing important"

"No, tell me! Or let me tell you my wish first! My wish is that I can be friends with both of you forever, and all three of us can be together forever!"

"Ah!, what's your wish, Li Yun?"

Li Yun, who is being silent all this time, hearing the question, blushed a little, looked sideways and said, "It's a secret"

"Aww, Just tell us, it's fine!"

Li Yun is getting redder, "Secret!"

"Hah... you're no fun. So Xiao Li!, what's your wish?"

"My wish...My wish can fulfill your wish!"

Su Li showed a mischievous smile, and Xiao Ling suddenly shouted disappointed, "What! You are shameless! No! I will punish you today! Take it!"

"M-me too!" Li Yun said while blushing.

Immediately afterward, the girl's cheerful laughter sounded in the dormitory, sounded very happy