No Turning Back

At night, Su Li, who had been staying in the room, sat on the bed with his legs on the back and leaned his back against the wall. One hour had passed. He could hear what his parents were saying in the living room, but he could not hear clearly.

Suddenly, the voice stopped, his door was pushed open, and his father walked in. Su Li looked at his father nervously. His father pulled the chair beside him and sat down facing Su Li.

"Why do you want to play a career? Have you thought of other options?"

This was the first time in many years that his father asked himself a question. For a while, Su Li didn't know how he should answer. His father's eyes were clear and calm, without any emotional fluctuations.

For a long time, Su Li didn't answer. He knew what he should say, but he just can't say it. He didn't know why. He opened his mouth countless times, but he didn't spit out any word once.

"Tell me, the answer."

The father said impatiently, Su Li was a little panicked. Under his father's pressure, Su Li finally said: "I want to play a career! I want to make money!"

"Then how do you know that you can make money? Do you have the skills? Do you have the ability? Just rely on your body that can't run for 100 meters? What capital do you have to play a career?"

"I can! I can exercise! And "Heaven" is a virtual reality game, which has nothing to do with physical fitness in reality!"

"How do you know it doesn't matter! After the player enters the game, they have to sleep as long as the game was played, and they have to stay in the same place for hours!. You, who have poor physical fitness, this will only make your body worse!"

"And, do you have the money? Can you buy a game terminal? Do you think our family can afford a game terminal?"

In the face of his father's questioning, Su Li's hands became tighter and tighter. He couldn't refute that because this was his family condition, he couldn't force his choice, let alone his body! which is even less likely!

"So put aside these, can you save money to buy the game terminal? can you exercise!?, What about your skills?!, What skills do you have?!, Do you think your skills are comparable to those of professional players!?"


"No, but! I have already said that you who don't have any capital, why do you want to play games? Why!"

His father's roar, the mother's soft crying outside the living room, Su Li's eyes had begun to flash tears, grievance, bitterness, sadness, and all kinds of negative emotions poured into Su Li's heart.

Su Li forced himself not to cry, but tears were still pouring out of the corner of his eyes. Su Li raised his arm and kept wiping away the tears again and again.

His father's face was full of anger and questioning, "Then! Even so! Do you still want to play a career? Even if your family is like this, do you still have to make this choice? Give up a bright future and make this Stupid choice?"

"No! It's not stupid! Father! I want to play professionally!"

Finally, Su Li could no longer restrain his emotions. This was the first time that Su Li screamed at his father in the 18 years since he was born. There was a little surprise in his father's eyes.

Tears kept on Su Li's face, and his eyes flushed.

"I want to play a career! with "Heaven" I can make money! I can make money for our home! If I make money, I can go to surgery on my own! Parents, you don't need not eat lunch every day, just to save money!"

"Mom can buy new clothes! and Dad, you don't have to go home late every night, so! I want to play a career! I want to make money!"

This reason was not a reason, but he silenced his father. After yelling, Su Li felt a little dizzy. He fell on the bed and held his head. Father stood up from the chair and said silently: "Remember your choice...You turning back."

Immediately afterward, Su Li felt the darkness engulfing his consciousness, and the anxious cry of his mother echoed in his ears, and then Su Li didn't know anything after that.

In the afternoon, the afterglow of the setting sun spilled onto the floor of Su Li's room, Su Li slowly opened his eyes, and then lifted the blanket on his body, still leaving a little dizziness in his head.

At this time the door opened, and his mother's worried face entered Su Li's vision, "Xiao Li, you are awake!"

Mother came to the bed and sat down. With a little rough right hand, she gently stroked Su Li's delicate face. Su Li was on the head of the bed and asked suspiciously: "Did I... fainted?"

"Well, don't do this again next time. If you have anything to say, just say it upright, mother... is really worried about you."

Su Li's mother held Su Li's delicate face and put her slightly wrinkled forehead lightly on Su Li's forehead. Su Li stretched out her hand to hug her mother and said, "Mom, I'm fine, don't worry..., umm... where's Dad? "

"He went out, I don't know what he did, but your father said, he allows you to play professionally."

"Huh? Really? He... agreed?"

Su Li was a little surprised. He didn't believe his father would agree. Her mother nodded. In Su Li's heart, although he heard the good news, he was not happy or excited. He was calm as if it were just a small matter.

"Mom, Dad... Why doesn't he like me?"

"It's not that he doesn't like you...Xiao Li, these things... you don't have to know it yet, just be yourself, remember, Mom and Dad will always be your strongest backing, as long as you explain your ideas, Mom and Dad will support them."

"I know, Mom... I'm sorry, I..."

Su Li hugged his mother, tears began to ooze from the corner of his eyes, and his mother gently hugged Su Li and gently patted Su Li's head.

Downstairs, his father was standing in the small garden at the back of the house, looking at the number on the phone address book, and the name of the person who was noted as Little Red, his father took a deep breath and dialed the phone number.

A few seconds later, the phone was connected, and a lively male voice came into his father's ears, "Hey! Is it really your boss? Really?"

After a long time, my father said, "It's me, Little Red, I haven't contacted for a long time..."

"Really... it's the boss! Great! Boss, are you going back to the Sleeping Dragon? I'm always ready here! I keep all the phone calls from my brothers! I'm going to contact them!"

"Wait! Little Red, I'm already old...I won't go back again..."

"Um... Do you need help, boss? Network? Or money! I can give you all of it!"

"...Can you get that stuff? Game terminal"

"The game terminal of "Heaven"? Of course no problem! It was very cheap! How many do you want boss? I will send it to you another day!"

"One is long will it be delivered?"

"Probably... Let me see... Boss, please send me the address. It will arrive within 3 days at the very least, and "Heaven" will be released after just 3 days, and there is still time to catch up to number one. By the way, boss, if you weren't playing, who were you asking the terminal for?"

"For my...daughter!"