Suo You

Right now, Su Li is looking at a fully white place.

Or she felt like she is looking at something like that.

After a while, she felt a touch on her cheek.

It felt warm and close. But after the touch was gone, it felt really far, as if something was lost. Something important.

"Why... do I feel like this...", Su Li lifted her right hand in front of her face and quietly look at her smooth white palm.



Su Li stays in place with silence.

"Where am I?", after a while, Su Li started to look around her but all she sees is just pure white.

After looking in a direction, She found something new, instead of the usual white color, she saw a mountain range.

On the highest mountain, there seems to be a small cottage standing tall on the peak.

Su Li for some reason is really attracted to the small cottage or to be precise, something inside it.

She unknowingly already arrived in front of the cottage, slowly walking to the door. In a few steps, she arrived right in front of the door and put her hand on the handle.

She twisted the handle and push the door open, revealing what inside the cottage.

A woman, wearing ancient clothes, with dark gray hair and a pair of pure red eyes, is sitting on the chair while drinking from a bamboo cup.

She noticed Su Li on the door and smiled.

"Well well, I haven't gotten any guest for a while", the woman gestured Su Li to come inside.

Su Li slowly walking from the door and closed the door behind her.

"Who are you?", Su Li asked while walking slowly toward the woman.

"Me? well, you can call me Suo You", She gestured for Su Li to sit on the chair in front of her. Su Li agreed to sit on the chair, she doesn't know why but she just felt that the woman doesn't have any malicious intention.

Suo You took a pot and a bamboo cup from who knows where, poured the content of the pot into the cup, and asked, "Tea?" while offering the cup to Su Li.

"Uh... Thank you", Su Li took the cup of tea from Suo You and took a sip. The tea taste is so good that Su Li's eyes become sparkled.

"So, are you curious about where we are?", Suo You guessed Su Li thought.

"Yes", Su Li nodded.

"Well, we're actually on your consciousness", Suo You bluntly said.

"Huh?", Su Li got confused. Her consciousness? two people?.

"So... you are me?", Su Li wanted to confirm something.

"Ah, no don't worry, I myself am a single entity", Suo You shakes her head and smiled.

"Oh...", Su Li got her answer but her confusion seems to add more.

"Then... how can you be in my consciousness?", Su Li asked.

"Oh, that I don't know", Suo You shrugged.

"I'm just... here?", Suo You said in a very confusing manner.

"Uh... okay...", Su Li felt that this woman is weird.

"Then... what are you doing here?", Su Li asked again.

"Oh, I'm watching you. You can say that I'm helping you", Suo You said.

"Helping me?", Su Li didn't know when she helped her.

"Hehe, that ice element you're using is my doing", Suo You said while grinning.

"Really?", Su Li didn't expect it, but it now clear how she can use it the first time.

"That destructing thing is also mine that you use", Suo You said again.

"Eh? I thought...", Su Li clearly remembers that the one she saw using the destructing power is another woman.

"Hm?", Suo You were curious about why Su Li started acting differently.

"Oh, it's nothing, I probably mistaken", Su Li decided not to tell her.

"Well, to be honest. Right now, you actually have 7 of my power sealed inside you", Suo You said.

"7?", Su Li was surprised, that power she used the last time is already powerful. If it's true, isn't this woman really powerful?. But how can it get sealed inside of me?.

"Are you curious on why it was sealed in you?", Suo You guessed her thought again.

"Uh... yes", Su Li awkwardly nodded, partly because she was found out and other is because she was curious but probably it will be an embarrassing thing for Suo You.

"Well, it's fairly simple. I actually didn't know", Suo You just shrugged.

"Huh?", Now Su Li is even more confused.

"As I said in the beginning, I don't even know why I'm here", Suo You said it bluntly.

"Then... how do you know it's yours?", Su Li asked.

"Hey, even though I don't know how I get here. My memories are still intact you know", Suo You put on a slight pouting face.

"Uh... sorry for asking", Su Li bowed her head in embarrassment.

"Then, do you want it back?", Su Li asked.

"Well, since it was sealed inside you, there might be a reason for it so I won't take it for a while", Suo You said.

"Um... how can I get out?", Su Li remembered something and worried about her friend outside.

"Ya? why ask me? this is your consciousness so you should have known better", Suo You looked at Su Li with amusement.

"I don't know....", Su Li was disappointed.

"Hehe, I'm just teasing you, do you really want to go out now?", Suo You laughed.

"Yes", Su Li firmly nodded.

"Hmm... Well then, take care!", Suo You snapped and Su Li's whole vision shook and her vision darkened.

After a while, she slowly opened her eyes which felt really heavy. She tried to stand up but feel excruciating pain. In the end, she can only sit on her bed.

"Mmm...", She still feels pain in her body. although not as much as the first time.

She looks around the place she's at while clutching her body that was still hurting.

It was a simple room with bland decoration. The bed she's sleeping in is on the corner, right beside the bed is the window which was open wide, though... it only showed a wall. The space between the wall and the window is so small that probably only sunlight can pass through.

She wanted to get off the bed but her body is really hurting that she can't even move an inch.

At this time, she heard a door opening which was the door to her room. She can see someone walking inside bringing a towel.

"Xiao Ling?", Su Li recognized the person, which is Xiao Ling.

"...Su Li?", Xiao Ling opened her eyes wide. She unconsciously dropped her towel from shock. After a split second, she runs toward Su Li and quickly hugs her tight.

"Ouch!", Su Li immediately felt extreme pain coursing through her body.

"Ah, sorry Su Li!", Xiao Ling quickly released her hug.

"It's okay, so... where are we?", Su Li asked. Though she tried to smile, because of the pain, her smile looked pretty hideous.

"Oh right, you didn't know, we....", Xiao Ling shortly explained all the event that was going on while Su Li was unconscious.

"Then, We can't see Li Yun?", Su Li was depressed hearing that.

"Su Li, don't care about others right now, for now, care about your body first!", Xiao Ling looked angry all of the sudden.

"Huh? um... except for a little pain, I don't think there's any problem", Su Li carefully feel her body and felt nothing wrong with her except for the excruciating pain.

"Are you sure?", Xiao Ling looks like she doesn't believe it.

"Now that you say it, I felt pretty hungry", Su Li checks her body again and felt her stomach grumbling.

"Just 'Pretty hungry' you said?!", Xiao Ling looked really mad and tears formed in her eyes.

"Huh? Xiao Ling, what's wrong? why are you crying?", Su Li was confused and also worried.

"Su Li, You have been unconscious for 3 DAYS!".

"Not in-game time but in real-world time!".

"I even tried to call you in reality but you didn't answer!".

"I didn't know your address so I can't even see your condition!".

"Do you know how anxious I am? I was worried sick!", Every scream she makes, made her face redder, and the tears keep getting bigger and bigger.

"I can only watch you in-game, and cannot do anything more Su Li... do you know how helpless I feel?", Xiao Ling tears started falling and She cried as hard as she can.

Su Li felt really guilty and try to reach for her. Xiao Ling responded by holding Su Li's hand gently with both of her hands.

"Please... Su Li, Li Yun has left... I don't want you to leave too...", Xiao Ling kneel and pressed her face to the side of the bedsheet.

"I won't leave, okay?", Su Li gently lifted Xiao Ling's face and smiled. Looking at Su Li's beautiful face for a few seconds as if wanted to carve this face into her deepest memories, Xiao Ling finally stopped crying.

"Mmm... Su Li?", Xiao Ling wiped her tears with her sleeve.

"Yeah?", Su Li responded.

"Can I... hug you?", Xiao Ling asked.

"Of course!", Su Li opened her hands, inviting Xiao Ling.

"...", Xiao Ling slowly comes closer.

Finally, both of them tangled with each other with care. This hug that seems for a second lasted for a few hours.

But time keeps going and finally, they heard a cough from the door.