The Truth of the "Game".

Getting out of the house, Su Li saw a luxurious car parked in front of his house. He can see Su Li with three people a man and a woman holding a child boy., it's probably her parents and brother.

"Su Li come quick!", Xiao Ling waved her hands.

Su Li obediently came forward and politely greet the three.

"Oh, are you Su Li? Xiao Ling always talks about you at home", Xiao Ling's mother smiled sweetly at Su Li.

"Mom!", Xiao Ling's face turned cherry red and pouted at her mom which looks really cute.

This is the first time Su Li saw them, but Xiao Ling's beauty is really genetical. Her father looks like a handsome gentleman, while her mother is a stunning beauty with an angel-like appearance. Even her little brother, you could see from his looks right now that just a few more years and he will look just as handsome as his father.

"Good day miss", Su Li felt pretty awkward with them, mainly because he doesn't know how to act in front of rich people.

"Oh, drop the formalities child, just call me big sister alright?", Xiao Ling's mother said and gave Su Li a wink.

"Err...", Though she said it, it doesn't seem appropriate, but she said it.... but still.....

"Ahaha, I'm just kidding, just call me auntie alright?", Xiao Ling's mother is just as playful as her daughter, or maybe it run down in the family?.

"A..auntie", Su Li said while slightly bowing.

"You can also call me uncle", Xiao Ling's father also smiled and said.

"U..uncle", Su Li also slightly bowed to him.

"This little champion here is Xiao Yun", Xiao Ling's mother showed him the little boy.

"Hello, Xiao Yun", Su Li smiled at the child.

"...H-hello big sister", Child named Xiao Yun is a really shy child and he greets Su Li with a red face.

..... Right now Su Li has thought of kidnapping this child for himself. Though the thought disappears rather quickly. (Or maybe this is just the author's thinking.... who knows?).

"Well, do you have anything else to bring sweetie?", Xiao Ling's mother asked Su Li.

"N-no just this", Su Li answered with a red face while showing his briefcase.

"Well, let's leave then, the sooner the better", Xiao Ling's father looked at the watch on his wrist and said.

"Let's go then", Xiao Ling's mother nodded.

All of them then entered the car, Xiao Ling's parents were of course in the front seat, while Su Li, Xiao Ling, and Xiao Yun were in the back seat.

"Don't forget to use the seatbelt, children", Xiao Ling's mother reminded them.

Well, Su Li has already done it from the start, but Xiao Ling just remembered. Xiao Yun himself was still young so he too remembered after being told.

"Let's go then", Xiao Ling's father started the engine and hit the pedal.

It was pretty much a silent ride, only Xiao Yun occasionally turned to look at Su Li before retracting his gaze with an embarrassing red face.

After a while, they finally safely arrived in front of the "bunker", this place not only crowded with normal people but also military and special defense forces that are guarding the place.

There is no parking lot, so they need to leave the car outside since they won't know when it will be used anymore.

Xiao Ling's father finds a safe spot to park the car and everyone then got down from the car.

In front of the "bunker", there is a long queue of people since before entering, they need to get a series of the safety check and health check so they can get categorized.

Though Su Li thought that they will be here for a while, Xiao Ling's father didn't think that way, He approached the officer and seem to tell him something. After showing the officer a few documents, he came back here with the officer.

"Let's go inside now", Xiao Ling's father said.

The officer also seems to be agreeing with his word. Even telling a few soldiers to guard us inside.

"...", Su Li started to think, money can do anything, or at least make your life easier.

When passing through the crowd, many eyes stared at them, some were confused, some were dissatisfied, and some were angry. Though they didn't dare to do anything because of the soldier guarding us.

But of course, there is someone that doesn't know his place and expresses his dissatisfaction to the officer, and when there is one there will always be another. Then it becomes many that express their dissatisfaction.

The soldiers try to calm them down politely but they still refused to listen. Finally, the officer seems to ask Xiao Ling's father about something and he seems to agree to it.

After that, the officers cleared his throat and revealed Xiao Ling's father's identity to the masses. That is one of the people that funded the construction of the "bunker" and also one of the designers of it.

He told them that if Xiao Ling's father wants to, he can forbid others from entering the bunker. Of course with exception of other funders.

The masses quickly disperse and returned to the long queue. Allowing the group to enter smoothly.

Inside, there is a lot of people already, they seem to be waiting for something. The group continued to go till they reach the lift and goes down

It was only that Xiao Ling's father explained that there need to room assigned to each person and there was a limited room available so some need to sleep outside and were given a tent each.

Of course, Xiao Ling's father already booked them a room and it was the safest one on the bottom since he one of the designers, he himself knew how strong the bunker is.

After arriving at the bottom floor, there is also a lot of people, each equipped with expensive stuff, in other words, this floor is for the rich. Their room is number 2, which is on the end of the hallway.

Walking in the hallway, many people greet them, especially young masters of the other rich families. Probably because their family told them too, but mostly is because of the two girls? beauty.

Because of the different colors on his clothes and the beauty without makeup, Su Li's appearance can be said to be refreshing beauty. While Xiao Ling's appearance can be said to be a refined beauty. Both can be titled to be the top beauty of the country if given more time.

Even though they don't want to deal with them, they need to at least greet them politely.

After the endless greetings of people, they finally arrived in front of the door of their room.

Opening the door to their room, they were greeted by a spacious and luxurious-looking house inside.

It literally is, since inside the room was even more room, which is the bedrooms, there's even a living room as well, a Kitchen, and some more. The bathroom is private for each bedroom. So each bedroom has one big luxurious bathroom. Instead of a bunker room, this more like a secret private house.

Luckily, there are exactly 4 bedrooms, so Su Li won't need to sleep together with Xiao Ling.

"Su Li let's sleep together!", Xiao Ling immediately said after entering.

"....", Su Li froze in place.

"Err... Xiao Ling, I like to sleep alone...", Su Li tried to convince her.

"But we already slept together once!", Xiao Ling said.

"...", what an ambiguous way to say it. Everyone in the room became silent.

"That's in the dorm! besides we have separate beds", Su Li tries to clear the misunderstanding.

"...But I usually slip to your bed though...", Xiao Ling said with red face.

"W-w-w-w....", Su Li's face immediately became cherry red.

"Ara...", Xiao Ling's mother on the side showed a cheeky smile.

Su Li didn't know about this at all. He always sleep soundly so he didn't feel anything in his sleep.

"...Alrigth, if she didn't want to, then don't force her", Xiao Ling's father then come to the rescue.

"Okay...", Though Xiao Ling looked pretty disappointed with it.

After dividing the room, each person goes to their room. But of course, the husband and wife pair sleep together.

Anyway, after they finished putting their stuff to its place, Xiao Ling's mother called them to the dining room, to eat. Su Li sat beside Xiao Ling and so on. Overall, they seem to be like one happy family, and Xiao Ling's family seem to like Su Li here too.

After eating a delicious meal, cooked by Xiao Ling's mother herself, they except for Xiao Ling's father which has a job and needed to leave. Everyone is sitting in the living room. Funnily, there's 3 television there.

One is for Xiao Ling's mother, which she uses to watch a drama movie. One is for Xiao Yun, which he uses to watch cartoon. And Xiao Ling and Su Li need to share the television, which they uses to watch a fantasy movie.

It was pretty much a calm day, maybe because the government wanted to let people get used to the life here. But then night came, and the sirens start beeping.

Then, a message was sent to everyone using a speaker to turn on their television. Of course, this include Xiao Ling's family, and Su Li.

Turning on, one of the television, the family and Su Li, sat together on the couch.



At first, it was just a gray screen, then it changed to full black, then it was showing the same man that broadcasted the last emergency news.

This time, it was a different news, instead of the man talking, he showed someone else.

From his introduction, the man was the best programmer in the world. Then he said that, he wanted to tell us the truth. The Truth of the "Game" called "Unlimited Possibilities".