Master? Sister?

In the end, Su Li decided to stay for a while.

After trying to adapt to the new sensation on her legs, she went out of the room.

Now that she's outside, she was shocked by how big the place is, and just like the room she was in everything was icy light blue colored.

The room she was in was close to the giant open window right in front of the door of the room. When she looked outside, she was surprised. Because the place she was at in the middle of a frosty mountain, not only that, even after seeing far into the distance, all she saw is just a bunch of snows.

From how high she was from the ground, this place is surely a big castle or something like that.

After roaming around the place for about 15 minutes, she found that other than her, there is almost no one here.

"Weird, such a big place, but no one around", Su Li kept roaming until she finds a big open door.

She looked inside and saw a huge snowfield with a tree in the middle while Wei Lan is sitting in a swing that was attached to the tree trunk by herself. Her eyes were closed and she hums a tone Su Li didn't really get but her voice itself is already beautiful that Su Li felt the note wasn't important anymore.

Su Li came inside and walked up to her. It seems that Wei Lan didn't notice her, or she might be too absorbed in what she's doing that she didn't notice.

She came up to her and Wei Lan slowly opened her eyes and stopped her hums.

"You didn't leave?", Wei Lan asked why.

."I... couldn't just leave after you helped me, I just can't...", Su Li said, she doesn't know why actually, she has a feeling that she should stay, though it also in line with her intention to know how stronger Wei Lan was.

"Then stay, it doesn't matter", Wei Lan closed her eyes again and continued her hums.

"Err...", Su Li didn't know what to do, so she just sat down with her back facing the tree while and looked at Wei Lan.

"...What are you doing miss Wei Lan?", Su Li asked.

"Don't ask questions and be quiet, it should be done soon", Wei Lan said.

"...", Su Li complied and didn't talk anymore, not realizing the weird change happening to herself.


"It should be done", After a while, Wei Lan stopped humming, open her eyes, and then stood up.

"What is?", Su Li asked.

"To think that there is another one", Wei Lan takes a breath and then slowly lets it go.

"What another one?", Su Li asked again.

"You, another one like me", Wei Lan said while looking at her.

"Me? like you?", Su Li pointed at herself with a confused expression.

"Yes, you, like me", Wei Lan pointed at her and nodded.

"On which part?", Su Li asked, still confused.

"En, tell me, why don't you feel cold right now?", Wei Lan asked.

"Ah, that...", Su Li just realized that she was just sitting in the middle of the snowfield without even feeling any cold at all.

"That is because you have the same constitution just like me", Wei Lan explained.

"Constitution? oh, is it called Pure Yin physique?", Now that she said it, Su Li remembers that on her status, on the physique part was filled by something.

"You knew? this made it easier then", Wei Lan raised her eyebrow in surprise and then said.

"You see, the place we're in right now is called Nine Lotus Palace", Wei Lan told her their location and the closest empire is miles away.

"This place was used to be a sect called Nine Lotus sect, because of the extreme cold and enormous yin energy on this place, we only accept one kind of physique, which is the Pure Yin Physique. But because of how scarce the people with that kind of physique now. My master decided to change it to a palace, but this place is still recognized to be one of the strongest forces in the world", Wei Lan explained the origin of the place.

"This place is the best place to train, pure yin physique, none of other have the qualification to do it before our hundreds of years of research", Su Li said.

"Then... your master...", Su Li wanted to ask about her master.

But Wei Lan immediately said, "Dead, failed when trying to cross the bridge of immortality".

"Um, I'm sorry", Su Li apologized deeply.

"It's fine, it's been long ago", Wei Lan shakes her head.

"Then, what you're trying to say is...", Su Li wanted to ask what she wanted.

"...", Wei Lan stood up, so Su Li followed.

Wei Lan then faced Su Li, hold both of her hands, and said, "I, as the 10th master of the palace, wanted to take you as a disciple".

"Eh?". Su Li was dumbfounded, she wanted her as her disciple?. From what the system said, she is really strong, so she does qualify to accept disciples, but why her?.

Then she remembers, they only accept pure yin physique because no one can survive the extreme cold for a few days. Coupled with how she said, there's another one like her. It looks like, other than her, there is no one she met who has the same physique.

"I...", Su Li wanted to ask why, she even though she pretty much already know, she want to hear it from herself... but after she felt the shake on her hands, she stopped her word.

The hand holding her, shake a little, though it was small that she wouldn't notice if it was her before but it was indeed shaking a little. Is she scared that she would refuse?. But now that she thinks about it, no one here except her. Who knows how long she has been alone.

Su Li release her hands, making Wei Lan surprised, and then kneeled, doing the disciples accepting ceremony she saw on television.

This made Wei Lan even more surprised, "Stand up, now you're my disciple now!", Wei Lan was happy she even smiled widely.

This is the first time Su Li looks at her smile and it looks very beautiful.

"Err... master...", Su Li wanted to ask her something but was interrupted by Wei Lan.

"...I don't like being called master, so call me sister...", Wei Lan said to her, showing a little red shy expression on her face.

"...S-sister Wei Lan", Su Li was affected by her and said also shyly.

"Great! I have a present for you", Wei Lan smiled and said.

"What kind of present?", Su Li asked.

"Hehe... Secret!", Wei Lan grinned.