The first Impression

I will be attending the academy starting today and instead of reading first year, I'll study the same year as Sarada and the rest.

Looking at the time, it was already late but I was planning to make a late entry like some cool mysterious anime character.

As I enter the whole class stood up.

"Good morning sensei!"

"..." Guys... I'm your age! I wanted to scream.

I thought they had mistaken me as a teacher. But actually, Shino was behind me. 'That almost scared me.' I thought my plan of being a cool mysterious guy was ruined by a comedy. Reputation matter a lot.

"Alright class, we have a new student joining us today. Now make your introduction."

"My name's Uchiha Levi."

And just like that I went to the last seat with swag. I could hear murmurs like 'Kyaa~ so handsome!' & 'so cool...' & 'hm.. He seems strong'. I couldn't help but run fingers through my hair and smirk.

Oh boy, I'm gonna enjoy this.


Honestly... it was a bad idea attending the academy. Nothing intresting was happening and I was literally dying from boredom. By the third period I was already asleep, what else to do, we had no practice till the fourth period and the lecture was about some maths problem.

"Uchiha Levi, it seems you already know everything, sleeping on your first day. Come solve this equation, now."

Shino Sensei was visibly pissed and a few bugs were swirling around him.


With a laser like speed, he trew a chalk and my head was the aim. I caught it without even lifting my head from the desk. Then yawning I went to the board and solved the question, it was about reverse of function, petty problems I left 10 years ago...

As I was returning to my seat, I noticed that the chalk was still in my hand so I toss it without looking back and it went into the chalk box directly.

Everyone stared at me, making me want to blurt out "You want an autograph?"

But alas, the bell rung....

"Class assemble on the ground." Shino Sensei said as he crushed a chalk and gritted his poor teeth.

With this, I conclude mission cool guy impression a success.

As I walked to the training field, Boruto came up to me trying to strike up a conversation, naturally Mitsuki followed him like a cute duckling. However, all I heard was "I hate my dad, you're so cool Levi, I wanna feel loved.... and Kyaa~ Sasuke-Kun!"

With a sigh, I told him.

"Listen kid, you're really intresting but I need to go fetch my kunais now. See ya."


As I walked passed him, Boruto glared at me so intently almost boring a hole into my back.

Then sighing he walked into the direction of the ground with a determined look and saying something along the line "I'll make you recognise me one day".

"He called you a kid, Boruto." Mitsuki chimed in.

".... damn it!" Seem he realised it a bit late.

To be honest, I don't dislike Boruto. Instead, I understand him. But right now he's still bratty so it was hard to respect him. I know, he will grow up (later on) but as I said, right now, he's still attention hungry and staying with him will surely bring troubles.

It won't be long till he literally break the school and the hokage heads.

I don't want to sculpt the hokage faces nor bring displeasure to Sakura.

Well, fetching Kunai was an excuse. I had almost ten thousands pilled up in my inventory. So much that you can call me 'Infinite Kunai nin'. Taking another route I went to the ground.

By now everyone was at the ground.

"Late as ever Uchiha Levi. Now go run around the field ten times."

It seems Shino sensei was very happy with me, he even gave me a reward on my first day. Since it was a good warm up, I started running while listening to music with headphone on.

The rest of the students were doing obstacles run with Mitsuki in the lead, followed by Iwabee then Boruto. Sarada was in fifth place, I wanted to cheer for her but it was embarrassing so I didn't. Compared to them, my warm up was actually eating a cake. Like I said, it's a reward. And so I ran very slow.

By the time I was done, everyone else had also finished up their their warm-ups. Then we all went to the arena for fight simulation class.

Shino sensei called out to me.

"Uchiha Levi, I don't understand why you joined in the middle of the year and also why Lord Hokage allowed you to skip grades.." He frown a little then continued.

"Let me tell you, I hate back doors. Now show me the three academy basics, if you cannot do them well, I will expel you personally."

I wanted to ask what he really wanted from me. But anyway I did the three techniques showing good mastery in them. I only knew five Jutsu, other than the academy three, it was only the rasengan and mystical palm.

"Alright, you do have a bit of talent..." Shino gave it a bit of thought. I almost scoffed. 'Me? A bit of talent..?'. It was hard to read Shino's face with those huge goggle. He then announce to the class.

"Listen here class, anyone wants to have a spar with Levi Uchiha step forward."

A few came out, Boruto was among them but he said to Iwabee, the class strongest (arguable).

"Alright next match, Yuino Iwabee versus Uchiha Levi. Both side get ready."