Chapter 2

I sat up abruptly, looked at the clock. It was already five in the afternoon, and almost six hours had passed. I could not believe I had fallen asleep and I quickly changed into my uniform for my part-time job. I pulled on a pair of black pants with the ankles cuffed and a white blouse. 

Putting my phone, wallet, and keys in a sling bag, I headed out of the apartment and towards my part-time job. I work as a waitress in Setagawa-san's shop and because of that, my rent is free so I could save the money I got for my future. I was indebted to Setagawa-san as he treated me so kindly.

It was a simple job that doesn't stress me out unnecessarily; managing the customers and helping to wash the dishes, mopping the floors, and cleaning the tables until they shone. Recently, I was also learning how to make coffee using the coffee machine to lessen the load off the barista. 

It was a little chilly today so I had pulled on a cardigan over my uniform. Shivering and wishing I had brought my scarf with me, I made my way across the street and down the pavement. The entire row is filled with shops; flower shops, book stores, cafes, and a game shop. The last one was Setagawa-san's restaurant. 

I entered from the back, turning left and coming through the back door so I could keep my bag inside the locker. I was still early so I got a cup of coffee to calm myself down and relax by the resting area. Setagawa-san found me.

"Oh, hey Izumi, you're early today," he said with a warm smile. "Are you hungry? I can prepare something for you."

"Yes," I said quietly, not meeting his eyes.

"Stay put, I'll be back," he said.

Working in the restaurant was manageable. It was more of a service-oriented industry, so you must please customers daily. It was difficult for me at first to get used to the job, but soon enough, I was a pro. I find myself able to interact with strangers easily and even deal with troublesome ones.

I blossomed all right.

Once the shift ended, I waited until Setagawa-san closed the shop and we headed back to the apartment together. It was almost midnight by then and the moon and stars were up in the sky. It was a lovely sky; the stars were shining so brilliantly. I was admiring the night sky when I felt the need to inform Setagawa-san regarding the arrival of Kousuke-san.

"Today my childhood friend arrived at school," I stated. The statement felt sour against my lips. Was he even considered a childhood friend? Someone I used to have a crush on? Someone I used to believe in? Someone who used to be the light of my life? I had no idea.

"Oh? As a transfer student?"

"No, he's working as a mathematics teacher," I said. "He's Oshiba Kousuke. He's not a good person at all."

"Why not?" he asked in confusion.

"He's an asshole," I said.

He didn't even pause or hesitate. "Then, you should be careful when you're dealing with him," Setagawa-san pointed out gently. "If you think he's becoming unbearable, you let me know. Is that okay, Izumi-chan?"

I looked at Setagawa-san, who was giving me a gentle smile. Over the years of staying in the apartment, he has become a guardian on my behalf and he's taken care of me better than my mother had. I regarded Setagawa-san with the utmost respect, and I never wanted to cause trouble to him. He was like the father I never had and I find myself nodding to his request.

We spent the rest of the walk home in silence, both of us preoccupied with our thoughts. When we arrived, we saw Haru-san waiting by the front yard and he got up from his chair to greet us with a big smile. He got me into a side hug, throwing his arm over my shoulder as he chatted with us happily.

It certainly felt like home here.

I had a father and a brother who took care of me well.

I will never want this to disappear.