Chapter 4

School was inconvenient but I needed to graduate with a diploma and head to university if I wanted to survive in this country alone. I still have my mother somewhere out there but I can never rely on her so I had only myself to depend on. I needed money, and I needed to complete school.

Midterms were about a week away, so I was spending more time revising and studying than working part-time. I was lucky Setagawa-san is an understanding person and allowed me to take a week off prior to the exam week to study. I started my revision and studying a month before the tests, knowing that I needed time to study.

I was an average student, with average marks since I was horrible in both my English and Humanities and by putting more effort in my studies, I knew I could improve a little bit more with my grades. With the help of Haru-san who was tutoring me in both my weakest subjects, I started to spend more hours studying and cooped up in his apartment.

With the exams close, I lived by a schedule and it was a strict one no less. I bet everyone else around me is shocked at how serious I was with my studies, since I don't look like it at all.

One evening, as I was revising my humanities while listening to tape recordings with my notes opened and eating simultaneously, Haru-san and Setagawa-san were present in the dining area with me. They said nothing as we ate, knowing that I needed the time to revise and focus on the subject at hand.

As I listened and read, and ate at the same time, I felt a hand patting against my head gently. It certainly felt like a father trying to soothe his daughter, and give encouragement without trying to say a word. It was something that I had never experienced before.

I tried not to blush at their thoughtfulness. It was difficult not to get affected by their affections. Looking up at them shyly, both were grinning widely at me and holding their thumbs up to wish me luck for my future examinations. Beaming at their thoughtfulness, I went back to my reading.

I wanted to prove to everyone else, including myself that I could do it.

One week passed by uneventfully as I was usually buried with a book and studying whenever there was a break in between class periods. Even lunch was now occupied with studying. I wanted to feel the bliss of my hard-work being paid off.

Since I had a break from work, I took the free time to study in the library. During school days, I would usually use the school's library since it was convenient for me and empty. However, during the weekends, I'd usually drop by the public library.

It smelled of paper from old books and the atmosphere there was calming as I set foot in it in the morning on Saturday. There weren't many people there so I got the chance to choose a seat I liked, which was right in the back row where I could have some privacy as I studied.

Honestly, I didn't like studying at home as I didn't have a study table. I lived in a single room with an attached bathroom so the living space was tight for a table. Most of my books were in piles around the room as I didn't want to get a bookshelf; since it took up space and floating bookshelves are not an option as the walls are too thin.

In the end, the public library was my choice.

I was cooped up studying my ass off. I had my headphones on, while I revised on my mathematics subjects and touched on my sciences too. It has been at least four hours of continuous studying and I was merely waiting for Haru-san to come and pick me up so we could go back home together.

He had classes today, and he suggested that I wait until he came by.

Twirling my pen around as I stared at a question, I was contemplating answering it when I felt a hand tapping on my shoulder. Turning and pulling my earphones off my ear, I saw one of my classmates standing before me.

"Are you revising?" she asked.

I think I remember seeing her sitting by the middle row of the classroom. She was the quiet one, always moving about with her group of friends. I never pegged her as a troublemaker, more of a studious type. The only thing I liked about her is that she had long, luscious black hair which she kept long. She was always smiling, and laughing.

I had never seen her sad before either.


She was surprised. "I didn't peg you as a studious type," she said, her eyes roving at my face and down to my clothes as she appraised me, with quiet admiration. "Well, the term 'do not judge a book by its cover' suits you really well."

I didn't know if I should accept it as a compliment.

"Good luck, Izumi," she said softly, pressed a bar of chocolate onto my palm and winked before she left. 

Scowling, I watched her leave. I understood why she said that.

Grumbling under my breath at her statement, I put my earphones back into my ears and continued with my studying. I don't look like the studious type – I had double piercings on my right eyebrow, and a lip ring.

I was pissed for being pegged as one but it's a normal human thinking. Even if you try not to judge anyone based on their looks, you tend to do that either way. It's a normal psychological process; your mind automatically judges them based on how they look because you don't know them.

That's why first impressions count.

After 30 minutes of studying, Haru-san called and told me that he was outside the library. It seems that my studying session is over for now, and I have been studying too much. My brain is going to burst soon. I packed up, and headed downstairs to where Haru-san was waiting for me patiently.

He had bundled up warmly, a thick hooded jacket zipped up all the way to his neck and a thick muffler around his neck with a pair of fuzzy ear muffs. He was waiting by the corner of the staircase, a look of concentration on his face. Haru-san was a pretty boy – with feminine features which he was self-conscious about.


I stood hovering by the staircase, looking down at him from the steps.

He turned. "Yo, how's the studying going, Izumi-chan?" he asked.

I shrugged. "It's going well."

He chuckled. "Let's go then."

He threw an arm over my shoulder as we walked back from the public library to the apartment building. Haru-san liked talking about his social life, and how bad he was in trying to get girl's attention in group dates they usually have amongst different universities but I knew who he liked the most.

Fifteen minutes later, we arrived home and found Setagawa-san busy cooking in the kitchenette. We dropped a hello before we separated to drop our bags in our rooms first. I placed my bag on my bed and sat down with a sigh, pulling out my mobile phone from my pocket to fiddle around with it.

I don't usually get messages or calls, but I was surprised to find a missed call from an unknown number. Curious, I called the person back.

"Hello? You called this number," I said.

"Hey, Izumi! It's me! It's Natsu."

A gasp left my lips. "Did you get out already?" I asked.

"It's my last week here," he replied. "Where are you? Are you doing well?"


"I'll find you soon."

A sigh. "You don't need to."

"Don't lie to me."

"Natsu -"

"Oh, I gotta go," he interrupted. "Bye!"

I let out another deep sigh when I heard the dead tone and ended the call before I slipped the phone back into my pocket. Shaking my head as I tried to dispel my own thoughts, I went out and headed downstairs to the kitchenette.

Damn it.

Two weeks passed by and the exam week rolled by without mercy. We had exams after exams, one subject per day, and once exams were finally over, I felt that I needed a congratulatory present so I popped over to the café near Setagawa-san's shop and bought a chocolate cake, with coffee.

There I was seated by the window, sipping on my coffee, and eating cake while also reading a book Haru-san had lent me. My mind was calm again, after a whole week of mugging, examination writing, and build-up stress. The café was playing soft music, a classical piece to which the owner had said it was called Archduke Trio by Beethoven.

It was played with a piano, violin, and cello. It was a very calming, yet moving piece and I felt myself swaying along with the tune. If only I could dance to it, or play a classical instrument. I wonder how much practice, dedication, and love you should put in, to be able to play this well. I'm sure it won't be easy.

Letting out a breath, I continued with my reading and enjoyed the blissful moment in the café until it was time for me to start my part-time job. Since I worked nearby, I felt it necessary to befriend the other stall owners and so they greeted me happily whenever they saw me coming.

Sometimes, they give me things that they felt I needed, knowing that I was on my own. The café owner knew me for quite some time and tends to use me as a taste tester whenever she happens to bake new cakes, before she decides to sell them to the other customers. It was an enjoyable experience for me, and being friends with everyone will be useful to me in the future.

Bidding goodbye to the café owner, I left the café shop and headed down to the restaurant, to enter from the back door.

Time for work.