Chapter 10

It was crazy.

I didn't even know a bookstore was this large and it had so many types of books known to man. I was with Haru-san and he brought me out with him. He said he wanted me to spend the time like a normal teenager and brought me to a bookstore. I didn't even want to go out, but he forced me out. I'd prefer to stay at home, than brave the outside world.

It was a freezing day today and I had bundled up warmly. Jeans, long-sleeved turtleneck with a sweater over it. I had an extra scarf wrapped around my neck in case I got a cold and a pair of black earmuffs. Haru took one look at me and rolled his eyes before he dragged me out of my apartment, complaining that I should look more feminine; more dresses or more colorful clothes.

"But it's cold," I complained.

"Then when it's summer," he said with determination and with eyes glinting with malice. "I dare you to wear a dress."

I made a face at his statement but didn't give an answer to him, fearing that he was serious about it. I had never worn a dress before in my entire life and I was sure I would be uncomfortable with it. What was he trying to do anyway? He held my gloved hand as we made our way down to the bus stop so we could catch the bus to the city center.

The ride to the city took about twenty minutes and the bus was not full, so we got seats. We sat by the window, so we got a pleasant view of the scenery rolling by the window. Haru-san began to talk earnestly, chatting about his schoolmates and the type of trouble he gets into with his friends.

Haru-san was quite talkative.

Inside the large bookstore, Haru-san immediately headed towards a section deep inside the shop (while pulling me along) so I guessed he usually goes to that area as he looked like he knew where he was going. I figured he's the type to like a certain genre of books rather than like a few different genres.

Looking up the golden plaque on the shelf, I noticed it was under Fiction and there were many rows of books from authors with "A" surnames to "Z" surnames. Haru-san was lounging by the middle row with a look of concentration on his face as he picked out a few books and I tailed him around the shop, trying to see what books he picked.

"Oh, I think you'd like this too," he said and he led me to one aisle. "It's like a picture book, drawn by professionals and it's in a novel form. I'd pick one for you and if you like it, I'll lend you some of mine."

Not understanding what he meant, I nodded and took the book he gave me. Opening it, all I saw were drawings with speech bubbles and with Haru-san telling me how to read it, I got the gist of it. It was interesting to read it, and the drawing was amazing. It took a lot of effort to translate, or draw the expressions and effects onto paper.

Haru-san ended up buying a whole stack of books, some of which were mine. He even chatted with the cashier, so I bet he frequents this place enough for the staff even to know him.

We were done with the bookstore in about forty-five minutes or so and from there, Haru-san brought me to a shopping mall next to it where he chose a few outfits for me that he deemed to be feminine and good for a "future date with a cute boy" to which I rolled my eyes at.

Haru-san made me wear a few dresses that he thought would look good on me, and despite the glares I was giving him, he bought me some.

Haru-san was an easy-going person and I have been living next to him for quite a long time so I am used to him. I was comfortable with him and I enjoyed the moments with him. It was nice. I had fun. I felt myself laughing and smiling more. I felt the tension in my shoulders getting lighter. Carrying a few books, clothes, and a stack of CDs, we headed out of the shopping mall laughing our heads off.

"Where should we go next?" I asked, laughing slightly.

"I don't know, we got everything that we need now," he replied with a shrug. "We should go back soon, Setagawa-san is preparing dinner."

I perked up when Haru-san's eyes flitted to the left suddenly. An unknown girl appeared by my left and I saw her coming from the corner of my eye so I turned to look at her, who was filled with anger. Not recognizing who she was, a frown creased my brow as I waited for her to start causing a scene.

Which she did.

"How dare you?!" she exclaimed shrilly as she pointed an accusing finger at me. "You stole him from me!"

Haru-san and I exchanged confused glances with each other before we turned to look at her. I gave her a once-over, seeing her in a skirt with thick leggings and a thick denim jacket buttoned up. I think this kind of attire was what Haru-san was aiming for; it looked feminine and chic.

"Who are you?" Haru-san asked quizzically.

She got even angrier at that question and brandished her mobile phone at us; allowing us to see a photo of Haru-san and I standing together laughing over a dress he had picked out. It was a very photogenic photo, to say the least.

"I've caught you two red-handed! I'm going to show this to Hajime-senpai!" she exclaimed triumphantly. "You cheater!"

With that staggering and mind-blowing exclamation, she stormed away where she was joined by a male friend of hers who looked extremely uncomfortable at the situation. He kept bowing in apology but was dragged away by her chastising him for not giving a chance to the "enemy" party.

It was hilarious.

I felt like laughing, but I was too tired to do that.

"What just happened?" Haru-san asked in shock.

"I think that was one of my friend's crazy fangirls," I said slowly and pulled out of my phone to contact him. "I'd better tell him about this crazy girl."

"But that photo she took was good though," he said with a laugh.

"Yes, I was thinking the same thing," I said and the call went through. "Oh Hajime-san, I need to tell you something."

Kelly was carefree and a happy soul.

She had always been a playful one, but both parents of hers felt that she was naughty and that she only got into trouble because she didn't listen. She was misunderstood and under-appreciated, ignored even. That was why she placed her attention and her love on someone else, Izumi.

Izumi was different, a cloudy soul but if poked correctly, she can soar golden.

"Izumi, let's go!"

"Wait up, Kelly!"

Izumi and Kelly, are like two peas in a pod. They go everywhere together, and they are always together. You won't see one without the other, and they will never do things without the other. They are sisters by name and more so. Izumi! Izumi! They don't remember when they met. They only remembered that they were already together at the time. Izumi and Kelly; are always together. They relied on each other, more than they relied on Natsu and Liam whenever they had problems.

"I don't want to go back home," says Kelly in a sad tone. "Mom and Dad are just going to scold me and beat me."

Izumi just got her into a hug, and they went inside the playground, into one of the caves they found. It was a safe haven; a sanctuary for them. A place for peace for them both.

"When we grow up, we're going to live together and do everything together," Izumi said. "Just us four, all together."


"Then we have our own rooms and we are going to go to school together," Izumi continued happily.

"Yeah! Yeah!"

"We'll be best friends forever."

Life was always brutal. Kelly was always covered with bruises, but she gave her brightest smile to Izumi. The blood vessels in her eye had already burst, so the pupil was always red. She had marks down her back; cigarette butts on her once beautiful skin. Izumi took it the worst; always trying her hardest to ease her pain and learning how to patch her wounds up.

They were always spending time together, playing on the playground together, and always getting into trouble together.

That's why it was a shock to Izumi when Kelly killed herself.

Her other half was no more.