Chapter 18

It was always a bad nightmare.

I woke up with a jerk, and my heart was racing away. What did I dream about? Kelly? My eyes searched blindly in the darkness, my mind trapped inside the nightmare and I only calmed down when I knew I was back safe in my room. I was covered with a sheen of sweat, and I kicked off my covers as I stared up at the ceiling with a deep sigh.

What is this?

My hand hurts.

Oh, it must be that dream.

It's 3 am.

I couldn't sleep after, no matter how much I tried to will myself to. I kept recalling the nightmare, which led me to remember the painful past. Every time I closed my eyes, the scene would appear in my mind, and I'd open them up again. It made me restless, and I couldn't keep lying down anymore, so I got up to do a little training in my room, trying to keep as quiet as possible.

Honestly, I slept for 3 hours max, and I felt myself regretting not sleeping as I stepped out of my apartment the next day. It's not as if I can sleep either way. There's no point in regretting it. I could feel the sleepiness tugging at the edge of my mind, and I was sure I needed my coffee fix soon.

"Izumi-chan, you look absolutely horrible," Setagawa-san pointed out as soon as he placed a steaming plate of food in front of me. "Did something happen?"

"I had a nightmare."

He didn't probe more, merely ruffled my hair and went to prepare my lunch while I ate breakfast. Haru-san came in, and then Natsu who they merely sat down around me to eat. Both didn't say a word about my exhaustion, but I knew Natsu knew.

Once we were done with breakfast and lunch was prepared, I went off to school with Natsu in tow as he wanted to walk to school together with me. I had a feeling that he wanted to talk about what had caused my exhaustion. There was nothing that Natsu wasn't aware of when it came to me.

"So, are you still having the same nightmare?" he asked.

There was no point in lying to him. "Yes."

"I'm sorry," he replied.

"What for?"

"I wasn't there for the past year to stop your nightmares."

"Oh, come on now you're exaggerating."

"I'm not."

"It's not so bad, the nightmares."

"Izumi." His tone was him saying not to lie to him.

"I'm fine, pet."

He sighed heavily, knowing not to press on when I sound like that. He knew me too well. "You know, you'll feel better if you let it out," he suggested gently. "I'll be right here if you want me to. I can listen to everything that's in your head."

I gave him a sad smile. "Natsu, you wouldn't want to know what's happening in my head," I pointed out serenely. "Yours ain't half bad too you know."

"Oh, shut the fuck up!"

I laughed.

"Let's go."