Chapter 28

One day, as I was making my way across the playground to get to the local neighborhood bookstore where Haru-san was waiting for me, I came across a bunch of bullies with their leader and a girl from my school. They were still in their uniform and probably waiting for me to come.

Wait, how long had they been waiting for me?

Upon close inspection, I realized that the boys were from a different school, most probably not from around here either. The leader and the girl looked like they were dating. They had been hugging, flirting with each other while I was walking towards them. It was gross, because the flirting looked fake, even for me.

"Oi Izumi!" the girl exclaimed and raced to block my way, a mean look appearing across her beautiful face. "I've been wanting to introduce you to my new boyfriend. It seems that you two had a history together."

I glanced at the girl, and then to the boy who took his place dutifully next to her. Both of them were gloating, as they held each other by the waist. I don't know what it is with couples. Why do they feel the need to show off? Truthfully, I didn't want to tell them but I don't even recognise them.

I can't pretend. "Who are you?" I asked curiously.

"This is what I hate about you!" the boy exclaimed suddenly as he pointed an accusing finger at me, anger creasing his face. "We were in the same middle school! You beat me up! I am Midoriya Shouto!"

I frowned as I tried to recall the Shouto that I knew back in middle school. An image appeared in my mind but honestly, he wasn't as bulky nor tall as he was now so obviously I couldn't recognise him. He was a far cry from what he was previously and he'd finally grown up well.

"Oh, that Shouto," I said and added, "Nice to meet you."

However, Shouto couldn't take that dismal reaction and went ahead to provoke me, snatching my bag away to throw it to his honchos behind. A vein ticked in my temple as I watched them rummage around inside to pull out my wallet and they threw the wallet to him.

"Let's see what's inside," he said with glee and opened it up to see. "THERE'S NOTHING IN HERE!"

"What the fuck are you trying to do?" I asked flatly. "I'm a poor student, why would you think I have money on me? Stop touching my wallet and my bag, I don't like it when men touch my things unnecessarily."

"There's useless receipts and nothing else! You're such a useless idiot!"

He threw the wallet at me, feeling the bulky thing bounce against my shoulder before hearing it drop to the floor. I felt my anger soar and burst its ceiling, so my hand lashed out to grab his neck hard, squeezing my fingers tightly around his larynx till his eyes bulged with fear.

"I can't hear what you say," I said calmly.

"You damn bitch! Let him go!" she-wolf screamed.

With a growl of anger, she raced to protect her lame boyfriend who was struggling to pull my hand off his throat. I kicked her square in the stomach and watch her fly away. The rest of the boys stood rigid with fear as they watched their leader slowly turn unconscious. I let go, allowing him to crumple to the floor and straightened myself, watching them with a deadpan expression.

"Return my bag and wallet," I said. "If you don't want to end up the same as these two idiots."

"Yes Ma'am!"

I sighed.

Ten minutes later, I arrived in the neighborhood bookstore with a heavier mood than I had been and met up with Haru-san who was by the cashier, apparently done with his book shopping.

"Hey kid, did something happen?"

"I took a detour."

"Another fight?"

I didn't answer.

"You sure are famous."

"Stop it."

He laughed. "Let's go."

Together, we left the store and headed down the pavement, towards the next destination on his list. Haru-san wanted to go to a new cafe, which had just opened recently and it boasted of wiggly and fluffy cheesecakes which made him curious.

"Izumi-chan, I've been meaning to ask this," he said wryly. "But why is there a big crowd of delinquents following behind us?"

"I did tell them not to follow," I said.

"I think it's better if you tell them again," he pointed out nervously. "A lot of people are looking at us funny."

I laughed and turned behind to look at the group. They had abandoned Midoriya Shouto and thus followed me from the playground despite my outright refusal. They stopped when they saw me looking, and looked incredibly nervous.

"Get lost," I ordered.

Immediately, they scattered.

"Well, that's nice."