Chapter 6- Life and death in the tongue

Excited but apprehensive were just some of the emotions that Dominique Martin struggled with as he left the shopping centre.He was not yet 100 yards from the gate when his cell phone rang.

"Hey Bimbo. What's up?" he asked.

"Dom, the next car for the route taxi will be hitting the road on Monday and the drive should bring in at least five thousand dollars per day."

"Hey Bimbo, that is great news, but I have dinner later with the boss and I am seriously thinking about coming clean and telling her about the other side of the business. It feels like a millstone around my neck to be holding out on her."

"Bredrin if I were you I would not say a word to Marsha, because if you do she is not going to trust you anymore and you know how the lack of trust breaks up relationships. The less she knows the better it is bredrin."

"That is easy for you to say Bimbo your life is not as complicated as mine is and the darnest thing is I am the one causing the complications by running a side business and collecting and stockpiling the cash because I do not feel that my wife would be supportive of a risky venture."

"Well boss if you feel comfortable telling her the whole truth and nothing but the truth do it, but make sure you keep your friends out of it. I still want to feel comfortable when I see Marsha."

"Hey what is that supposed to mean when since you a watch Marsha? My friend, you guys are my past I don't make you guys mix with Marsha, you crazy, next minute she find out what she is not to find out."

"Nothing Dominique, I was just speaking in my professional capacity, remember I am a senior police officer I see her in traffic sometimes to on the plaza," Bimbo replied.

"Just make sure is just that Bimbo or else."

"Dominique, we are not in Garden anymore, and we not young men roaming the streets, hustling anymore, and you're not the leader of the gang again. Besides I am a respectable man of the law now."

The laughter on both ends of the phone was spontaneous and lasted for at least a minute.

"Anyway, Senior Supt Mckenzie, I am on my way to the bar, will you be there I have a few things I want to bounce off you first before I meet with the boss later, and really and truly you're the only one with the brains to help me."

"No problem Dominique meet me there in 10 minutes and don't get any speeding tickets getting here, I am not getting into any trouble like that Sergeant with that popular politician."

Dominique hung up the phone and stepped on the gas pedal. Unlike earlier at the mall, the traffic was relatively light and the road works had been finished as the journey along Dunrobin to Swallowfield took him only eight minutes. As he pulled into the gated of the Cactus Tree Bar he saw the marked police car that was driven by his long-time friend and secret business partner.

"Boy Bimbo, I just had the scare of my life with some of your squaddies along the highway, but anyway that if for another time."

The shade from the large almond tree provided shade from the harsh sun and Dominique's body had been soaking up the air conditioning in the car and took a while to adjust to the heat.

"These are my plans regarding the business and tell me how it sounds: Diplomatic Transportation Inc. with offices in Montego Bay and Kingston with its head office being on Red Hills Road. A fleet of about four cars to start with, offering escort services to VIP clientele with the drivers trained and knowledgeable about Jantique and armed wearing white shirts and black pants.

I would be the Chief Operations Officer and the office staff would be kept to a minimum of Office Manager and an Administrative Assistant. All other services would be contracted out accounting, maintenance and upkeep of the vehicles. The company would have a separate bank account with a salary being paid to the staff and drivers. Only the best quality drivers with certification in defensive driving each year and of course they must be trained to defend and protect their clients."

"So, Dominique what about the Marketing and your silent partner?" Bimbo asked.

"We would diversify the business in six months with the infusion of the domestic transportation growing to about ten vehicles and marketing would also be the responsibility of the COO with the aid of a marketing company."

"Sounds good so far but where is all the money going to come from Dominique?"

"That is where the silent partner comes in with an injection of cash, duh. How else could I bring in the money in my private account and legitimize the route taxis? I have spent months developing the strategy and the business plans and if needs be we could always approach a bank for a line of credit. In order to appease Marsha, the fourth car could be driven by Marcus Dean, Marsha's older brother who had left the agency because he supposedly wanted a simple life and he wanted to drive for his living."

"It sounds like you have your bases covered but be prepared for Marsha to spring one or two hard questionson you. Dominique I can't stay and chat with you or even have a drink I am still on duty as you can see," Bimbo said and turned toward his parked squad car.

"Thanks Bimbo for your ears and comments, if you think of anything else between now and 7:30 just send me a message. I tried to think of all the ways to uncomplicated my life and incorporate by childhood friends in the business."

Dominique felt a little better, and he needed to go home and catch a little nap before picking up Marsha at the salon. The tension in his neck and shoulder had subsided and the magic of having a friend to spar with before the big fight had him feeling fit and limber. He felt a little thirsty and turned towards the bar, and thought that he needed something, even just a glass of water before hitting the road.

He stepped inside the dimly lit bar that only had a few male patrons around the counter. It took a while for his eyes to get adjusted to the difference in lighting, but he could see the flash of white teeth from behind the bar.

Yanique the bartender greeted him by name. "Hi Dominique." Her sing song voice rose above the noise.

"Afternoon everyone," he said.

Grunts came back in response from the patrons. "Hi Yanique," he continued. "I will have a bottle water to go."

She ran around the bar and gave him a hug. The full length of her body was pressed against him and for a split second it felt very nice to be a man.Yanique tried to bury her mouth in his neck. He broke the embrace.

"Yanique, how are you and how many times have I told you not to do that?"

"A lot Dominique, but you feel so nice to hug," she replied.

"I'm a married man, suppose one day my wife finds out or worse I have moment of weakness and give in to the pleasure you tease me with each time I come here?"

"Well if I get what I really want then I would take the consequence of the wife, I would love for you to give in at least once Dominique. Look at me…are you sure you would not want to peel away the wrapping and devour me?"

"Yanique, you have been the bartender here for the past four years and I know you have a two year old baby for the owner, you are a nice girl and yes if I was not married I would do more than peel the wrapping. However, come and sell me a bottle of water I am so thirsty."

She smiled and whispered, "Are you sure that is all you are thirsty for?"

As she turned and walked away the short shorts stopped just over her rounded glutes and he swallowed hard at the view of the fine woman that he had just rejected. She had curves that he would really love to trace with his hands, but his hands and heart belonged to another woman. He was sure if Bimbo had witnessed that embrace he would be the first to say just do it Dominique, Marsha does not have to know everything.

"Dominique, I found the coldest bottle of water to give you and it's on the house."

"Yanique. Why is it on the house?"

"Just because of what I felt a while ago. I will pay for it this time and next time I will ensure that I hold you a little longer so I can get my money's worth."

"How is the baby Yanique?"

He deliberately changed the subject as he screwed the cover from the bottle. The water was icy cold, and he could see the floating soft ice inside the bottle and he heard the seal break as he twisted the cap.

His throat felt parched as the icy cold liquid flooded his mouth and cramped his wisdom teeth as it went around his tongue. There was a strange taste to the water but he was too thirsty to stop. The thirst in the back of his throat was replaced with a burning sensation.

"Yanique… something wrong with this water… and it tastes funny," he said slowly and his eyes began to burn. Then the room became dark.

His eye lids fluttered open to the sights of a strange room, and he was looking up at the ceiling as he attempted to get up off the bed.His head felt as if it was spinning and the entire room went around in circles. Yanique was sitting in the chair beside the bed.

"Lay still Mr Martin, you collapsed and we called the doctor. You need to relax; he said your blood sugar and pressure were through the roof. I had the guys carry you into my quarters after you collapsed. The doctor gave you an injection and said I should make you rest and I paid his bill, but when I checked your wallet you only had five hundred dollars. I paid it from my partner draw and that I had. His bill was ten thousand dollars."

"Thanks Yanique, but what time is it? I have to go and where are my things, my phone."

He patted his legs, feeling where his pockets ought to have been. But he was naked, completely naked.

"I have your phone, your wallet and your gun Dominique and what a big gun you have as she caressed the barrel of the chrome 9mm that was resting on her lap.

"Where are my pants?" he asked as he felt the cold air of the air conditioning on his legs, and what time is it?"

She looked at his phone.

"It's 6:45 p.m. and why are you in such a rush you should stay quiet and rest a little, I called your wife and told her what happened and what the doctor said already."

"What! What did you just say Yanique? How the hell did you call my wife? And what did you tell her?"

He felt a sharp stabbing pain in his head as he tried to get up again.

"Don't worry she is on her way here in a cab, and I hope I did nothing wrong by going into your phone and calling your wife. She sounds nice on the phone and I can't wait to see if she looks as nice as she sounds. The best part of this is that I will finally get to see the woman that is between me and that which is in getting into your shorts. I know you are not being too upset that I had to take off your clothes and collect you valuables and I had to wipe you off before the doctor got here."

"What happened to me Yanique?" he asked as he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

"Well after you went down you vomited on yourself and I never wanted you to be seen like that so I took the liberty of cleaning you up and of course I could not resist the temptation."

"Yanique!" he said in quizzically. "What did you do while I was out?"

"Nothing a warm-blooded woman would not have done with a man that she has been attracted to since the day she met him. All I can say Mr Martin," as she caressed the gun in her lap, "You're worth the wait."

A wry smile spread across her lips.

"So how long ago did you call my wife and can I please have my things and I will pay you back as soon as she gets here."

As he attempted to stand, the room began to spin and hisknees crumbled beneath his weight. The bed seemed to have risen to meet him. Dominique did not realise how quickly Yanique moved, but as he opened his eyes again she was holding him with both her arms encircled around his back and her lips were tantalisingly close to his lips. Her breath smelt like strawberry bubble gum and felt hot.

Her lips gently touched his; she pulled his body hard against hers, as her tongue invaded his mouth. Dominique tried to resist with all his might but the combination of the strength of her arms and the strength of her passion over powered his resistance. Sensations of pleasure cruised throughout his body as Yanique's experienced tongue teased its response from his body. Dominique's body had betrayed him and her lips and body felt strangely familiar. Yanique had managed to get him aroused, and her gentle caress made his manhood pulsate with desire. Dominique, shorts could not contain his excitement and Yanique's experienced hands freed him and with each fluid motion of her left hand that encircled his thick shaft it stirred the juices in his testies.

"No Yanique I can't do this," he mustered enough strength to break her passionate embrace of his lips.

"No worries I had my fill earlier anyway," as she licked her lips and looked into his eyes, "And I have proof."

She stood up and her breasts were just in frontof his face, her pointed nipples were pressing hard against the thin cotton blouse, as if intending to bore holes in the blouse.

"Can I please have my pants? I need to go.And I won't bother to entertain your line of argument and asked what happened earlier. Thanks for the help and I will ensure that you are compensated for the help and I guess that is what customer service is all about."

"No thank you Dominique it was a pleasure to be of service and I just could not resist kissing you."

He felt awkward and as he looked up at the sound coming from the door, Marsha was standing in the doorway with a frown on her face.

"What the Hell did I just hear you say, young lady?"

An alarm went off in Dominique's head.

"She was just telling me about a dream she had Marsha, no need to be so darn dramatic, wow honey you look nice."

"Dominique Iwasn't talking to you just now, but since you believe flattery will get you off the hook. What happened to you sweetheart?" Marsha said.

���Yanique meet my wife Marsha.Marsha this is the young lady that saved my life and we owe her our debt of gratitude and fifteen thousand dollars."

Yanique stretched her hand to Marsha's, but instead of shaking her hand Marsha pulled her toward her and embraced her as Dominique watched with fondness. As dizzy and out of sorts as he was Dominique could not help but imagine his fantasy.

"You two can get chummy another time but I really need some help over here."

The two women laughed as they slowly released each other.

"Thank you Yanique for helping this husband of mine and I hope he was not too much of a bother," Marsha said.

"No Mrs Martin, it was no trouble at all the pleasure was all mine," she said as she turned and looked at Dominique standing dressed in only his white vie necked under shirt and blue underpants. "He is one of my best customers and I could not just let him go to waste like that so I did what any woman would do and helped him. If I had the chance I would do it all over again, but the doctor said he needed to get some rest and he should go in for a full medical check-up, and oh yes here he left his card."

Yanique reached into the right back pocket of the tiny blue shorts that she had on. Dominique watched as Marsha's eyes trailed Yanique' s movements and looked her up and down from the crown of her head to the pair of one of kind sandals that was the current rave in Jantique.

"Where are his things?" Marsha asked as Dominique reached for the card and looked at it.