Godric returned to the drawing room, where he found all four of his friends overly interested in their billiards game. They glanced at him, then all looked quickly away, and for a long minute no one said a word.
Charles tossed his cue carelessly on the table, ruining the game as it knocked balls out of place. "Bloody hell, if no one is going to ask, then I will. How was it?"
"How was what?" Godric pretended innocence.
"We all know that you and Emily" For a man who never failed for words, Charles certainly came up short now. "Well, you know Oh, for God's sake, we have ears, man!"
Cedric hissed, "Good God, do you want to get us shot?"
Godric wasn't the least bit upset. In fact, he found it rather amusing, the image of his friends scrambling like school boys in the hallway just for a glimpse through a keyhole How could he not laugh?
"There will be no shooting of anyone, unless any man here dares to try seducing her now. Remember Rule Four. She has chosen me. Is that understood?"