Chapter 30

Emily had calmed down after the scare of Evangeline's unexpected arrival before they reached the stairs, but her relief was short-lived. A door at the far end of the hall opened. Godric's arm tightened beneath her grasp.

"Ah bonsoir, Godric!" The most attractive woman Emily had ever seen walked down the hall. She was radiant with her salmon-toned gown, large breasts and wide hips. Blonde ringlets danced down her back in perfect proportions.

Emily's chest tightened. She expected Godric to have taken a gorgeous woman as his lover, but to see this Aphrodite in the flesh was too much to bear. By comparison, she was young and inexperienced. She could never match Evangeline in looks or mimic that lusty gaze or sway of hips. To Emily's mortification, she realized she was no competition. If Godric wanted a real woman he could take Evangeline back without question.