Lucien sat at the table in Cedric's dining room, reading the morning paper. Cedric fed Penelope scraps from his chair next to him. The dining room was large for a London home, furnished with walnut chairs and a table, all gilded with scrollwork. Lucien looked over to Ashton and Charles, who were speaking near the large wood, glass-paned window overlooking the gardens.
The lords were enjoying themselves, having successfully seen Godric and Emily off on their honeymoon, and were now resting at Cedric's townhouse after the adventures of the last few weeks.
"Well, Lucien? Anything interesting?" Ashton asked as he took a seat, leaving Charles alone to gaze out the window, lost in thought.
"There's an interesting tidbit in the society pages."
"Not Lady Society again?" Cedric chuckled. Penelope barked sharply at him. He reached down and picked her up, setting the foxhound on his lap. She was no longer a puppy.
All things grow up some day, Lucien thought to himself.