Chapter 50

Audrey Sheridan was alone with Lord Lonsdale at last. Lady Lonsdale, Charles's mother, had turned in for the evening, thinking Audrey had already returned home. But Audrey had returned under the guise of forgetting a glove, and she'd beseeched Charles to let her stay a while longer. It gave her more time to accomplish her mission. Namely, becoming compromised so that she might finally be married. It was a risk however, because she had no real interest in Charles.

She wished to marry Jonathan, the Duke of Essex's younger half-brother. But since finding a moment alone with him was next to impossible she had to settle on a more cunning strategy. If she managed to get Charles to compromise her, then she might convince her brother that she must marry soon. He'd never let her marry Charles, of that she was certain. Her plan was to persuade him Jonathan was a safer choice.