Chapter 272

Bath, one month later

"She'll never marry, not that one, unless she sets her sights low, and maybe not even then." A society mama tsked a little too loudly as Joanna passed by her in the assembly room.

"Quite right," another woman whispered back. "No one ever asks her to dance. Must be something wrong with her." The words cut deep because Joanna knew the woman was talking about her, and she knew the woman was right.

There was only one man in England who seemed to be interested in her at alla rather boring but decently attractive man named Edmund Lindsey. He was only a gentleman, no title but plenty of fortune. Still, Joanna was hesitant to consider him. She felt no passion for him, no great fire in her belly or flutter in her chest. She didn't want to marry Edmund simply because he was her only choice, but what else could she do?