Chapter Six - Pimped

"Hey I am sorry about leaving so abruptly earlier in my office, I had a lot on my mind and I never got a chance to tell you how important you are to ensuring that this deal goes well. I need you Tatalee. I promise I will make it up to you, as a matter-of-fact half of what is buried in my jacket pocket is yours, and they paid in United States currency. In my mind Tatalee we have already won the battle, now let's go and celebrate the victory. In the morning you quickly knock off the pre-approval documents, we escalate for signature, and we earn our commission. The challenge is to be creative in our actions so that Julio and Cesar get all the funds that they need to kick start the process. In the long run the country will benefit from the infusion of this conglomerate."

"Did I hear you commit to talking to your politician neighbour Nick?" Tatalee asked. 

"Yes, I did. There was no way I was going to let them leave with the impression that I couldn't get things done, even if I have to give him an incentive from this envelope and then let him meet them for himself. As long as we do our part baby we will be set and smiling at our commission cheques," Nicholas said through a half smile.

"Nick, it's dangerous." Tatalee said exasperatedly.

"Don't you have faith in me Tatalee? Powder your nose and let's do this for the team." 

Nicholas smiled with his hand resting on the small of her back just above her ass. The tendrils of desire curled low in her belly and she felt his touch through her dress as it burned her skin. Not realizing why she had suddenly stiffened, he gently pushed her in the direction of the restroom. 

"I will see you soon honey," Nicholas said. 

Tatalee Hobson had a million and one thoughts running through her head at the same time. Was he biting off more than he could chew with these Mexicans, and could she get all the forms completed in time for the loans committee to review and approve them? What the hell awaited her upstairs? Could he be trusted that it's just more drinks and discussions? The thought of Cesar touching her again made her want to hurl. Julio was nice and handsome, but she suspected that there was a dark side to him. His eyes looked cold and offered no glimmer of light to his soul. 

She trusted Nick with her life because she drove with him several times to meetings in the country and slept through the trips even though she heard from Naomi that he drove like a madman. Although his apology earlier seemed sincere, would he sell her out for money? She rinsed her mouth brushed her teeth then swished around the travel mouthwash that she kept in her little black purse. Feeling fresh, she walked back to the table with her mind still  befuddled and confused.

"Ahh," Julio said. "You are back. You are a very attractive woman Ms Hobson. Have you ever been to Cancun?"

"Thank you and no I have never been to Mexico," Tatalee replied through a flash of white teeth.

"Well, as soon as this deal goes through Nick, you and your lady must come as our guests to see our other properties.You could bring your mates." Julio said

"Thank you, Tatalee and I would love to come to see the locations. We will not mix our personal lives with business so I will just be Tatalee and I, Julio," Nick replied. 

"Oh well have it your way Nick, let's go up to the room, Cesar has already gone up to get comfortable, we have been travelling for the entire day and he needs some down time before he falls asleep." 

"Thanks for the invite Julio," Tatalee said, "I'd love to see Cancun, to relax on the beach, or even to enjoy a little of spring break."

"I like your thought process Ms Hobson," Julio said as they entered the squeaky stainless elevator steel that felt like a sterile operating theatre. Somehow deep down Tatalee felt as if she was going to be the patient to be operated on by these two bandits.  The machine groaned and moaned. It came to a stop with a lurch as if it had just climaxed and the occupants were the ejaculate. 

Tatalee walked behind Julio and watched as he walked with a limp and favoured his right leg. 

The image of a pegged legged pirate dressed in a business suite crossed her mind, and she could not contain the snicker from her cherry red lips.

"What was that?" Nick asked. 

Tatalee could hear his laboured breathing just behind her as if he was about to experience an asthma attack. 

"Nothing," she replied, "I just remembered a joke Naomi told me today."

"Are you still friends with that girl Tatalee? I thought I told you not to mix with the people on the lower floors, they are literally and figuratively below you. Besides she dresses like a grandmother in the middle of winter."

"Hah that means you have not seen her lately." She reached for her phone. "Look at that picture I posted earlier." 

"Shit! Is that how she really looks under all those clothes?" 

She watched his mind whirl for a second.

"Hey, Tatalee do you think she could come over here for a few drinks?" Nick asked with mischief written on his face.

"What!" Tatalee asked. A suspicion growing in her mind as to why he wanted her friend. 

"I'm just joking Tatalee, relax," he replied quickly.

"Here were, the penthouse" Julio said 

Tatalee gasped as she looked around and realized that the room had recessed lights emitted a soft glow. The room was the size of Tatalee's entire childhood home and she used to think that her house in the country was big. She had been wrong. This was a big house. Soft music poured through the hidden speakers.

"I'm in here," shouted Cesar. "Come let's have a drink and get comfortable, relax, unwind. I ordered some seafood mix, oysters and some conch fritters with sushi and calamari. Come, come," he urged, "take off your shoes and relax Tatalee, I don't want to be looking up to you for too long Cesar" said. {Come the oysters have my special sauce that I carried from Mexico. Come Tatalee taste one; it's out of this world." 

She loved oysters and calamari, how did he know to order this? Oysters got her aroused. Only one other person knew this and that was Naomi. But she would enjoy the delicacy eat and strangle Naomi in the morning. 

One woman, three men, what are the odds that they would try anything? She knew that Nick would not watch or allow another man to get too close to her. She had already swallowed four oysters before the effects of the special sauce started to take its effect. 

"I love this sauce, it's sweet and savoury at the same time, Wow!  I feel so alive." Tatalee's pupils were dilated and she felt light on her feet. "These are the best oysters ever so fresh and nice as if I just harvested them myself.  Come Nick try one, or all of these are mine? Julio, Cesar try one." 

"Nick let's go and discuss business and leave Cesar and Tatalee to enjoy themselves," Julio said. 

"Ok then, the more for me," Cesar replied and slurped two oysters at once. 

The hands on Tatalee's watch said ten o'clock when she drank her first glass of champagne. She did not remember much after that but the cold towel on her face and Nickolas asking her to wake up saying, "It's time to go you party animal."

  Her eyes were still foggy and her head felt groggy but she could make out the shape of Cesar lying across the bed in only his underpants. 

"Let's go sweetie, its four am in the morning and you have work in another four and half hours. Guess what?  I have to go home to Karma later today and then come back to office to sign off on what you are going to the office,"

"What happened?" Tatalee asked. 

Her head throbbed. She got up too quickly and the room spun. Nick steadied her with his arm and she gratefully relied on him.