Chapter 17- Strange things

Despite the traffic on the roads, the BMW sliced through the traffic, and before long they were parked inside M16 on Binary Road just on the outskirts of the Vineyards. The scent of pure coconut oil frying breadfruit and salt fish fritters made Karma's mouth start to water. Rustic but clean, the buffet was already laid out and the smattering of customers had already started to gorge themselves on the offerings. Fried plantains, seasoned sprat and chocolate tea captured Karma's attention as well as her taste buds. She sampled each chaffing tray and hummed as the flavours danced around her tongue, making her brain swoon with the heady feeling of satisfying her hunger.  Each taste bud on her tongue firing off a salvo of sweet, sour, salt, bitter tsunami tantalising her brain until even the lips of her love bush was puckered.