Chapter 42 - The Candidate


Two days later she received a similar call at the office and sealed box was found in the trunk of her car with a note. Nickolas was last seen driving a taxi along Oxford before he was killed by a lone gun man while dropping off a female passenger at Stern Financials. The murders of Tatalee Hobson and Nickolas Stern have remained unsolved. Even though Naomi insists that her best friend and her lover Nickolas were both killed by a woman in a wig.

Karma Brown changed the last name of the two children via a deed poll to avoid the embarrassment and continued to operate her accounting firm and became the president of the Bankers Association serving two consecutive terms after she was recruited by the Syndicate. 

Part 2 

The Rise of the Syndicate

Quan tu Woo smiled as he closed the report he was reading.