Chapter 56- Why did I have a conscience?

2025 was only a few months away and that meant that in a matter of weeks KBA would have audits and tax returns. 

"Donna the auditing of the Government Agencies is putting additional strain on the staff since the documentation submitted does not match the activities executed and are not being driven from a policy position. I get the sense that activities are not being guided by the civil service but from the political plants inserted in the Agencies. However, this can't be in my report and therefore, it is the poor civil servants that will bear the brunt of the report." Karma said 

"Why is that Karma?" Donna asked 

"Simple, they negated to do their jobs and write their objections or to suggest solutions to the issues they face" Karma replied with a blank look on her face. 

"Isn't that unfair Karma for the civil servant to be held responsible for verbal instructions from their superiors? Donna asked.