Chapter 73 - a new Dawn

Karma's eyelids fluttered open when the handsome Doctor came into her room and pulled the drapes around her bed. Donna had stirred but drifted off to slumber land.

"Some body guard you are" Karma said and chuckled

"What's up Doc"

The handsome Doctor chuckled "Oh you watched cartoons growing up as a child too I see. It kind of ages you too. 

Karma Laughed

"Hi I am Dr Richard Hellbent and I am your consulting Ogbyn" Richard replied

Wow, you're a handsome guy, we met your wife Stephanie. She is a lucky woman. Your kids should be fantastic.

Karma watched as he blushed and then tried valiantly to restrain himself from smiling. 

"I'm sure you say that to all your Doctors Ms Brown" Richard replied

"Not when they have an ass like that" Came from behind the curtain. "Karma you should see the view from here" Donna wolf whistled

"Donna behave yourself please, we don't want to make the wrong impression on the nice Doctor."