Chapter 76 - Double dealing

Somewhere in the small island nestled in the middle of a small sea in the North Atlantic.

The morning sun crept through the bars of the illuminating the small 8'0" x 10'0" cell with the battleship grey walls and only seemed to awaken the smell of urine and faeces. Quan Wu stretched and yawned as he relieved himself in the bucket provided. As he closed his eye lids closed the powerful stream missed the centre and splattered on the concrete floor.

"Shit" Quan muttered and lifted his right foot that has been splattered with pale orange coloured pee.

The click , click of the untipped stilhetto heels came from the long corridor outside his cell and as the clicks got closer he could hear the wolf whistles from the occupants of the adjoining cells.

"Fuck she is back" He sore beneath his breathe and shook his head violently