Chapter 78 - Who can I trust?

"I swear Karma. That is the story and I had no idea that Molly Dean the Member of Parliament was behind all of this, I was given a file that said Quan was a hitman with picture, dates, times and an Agent from Interpol called a few times. There was no way I would have known that this entire thing was about a power grab." Stephanie's lips trembled as she spoke

"So what makes you think that I would want to trust you Stephanie? .Karma asked

"As a woman, a mother and a wife I am asking you to trust me. Quan will be released later, but I think you should just play along and let everything unfold. The truth always rises to the top. It was Quan who put the pieces of the puzzle together and then I confirmed it with Marcus."

"Hah like scum Stephanie, I don't know if I can trust your judgement. So does Marcus or his wife know that you are here confiding in me Stephanie?. " Karma asked sarcastically