Chapter 82- Why are men in charge?

Karma tapped on the steering wheel of the wine red X6 waiting for Donna to answer the telephone.

"Wow what a beautiful morning it is. God you are really majestic in all your ways and a I thank you for waking me up and my babies are kicking and moving. The clouds in the east are my favourite colour of red." She muttered 

Karma sighed and looked at her watch

"Crap what is taking her long, it's almost time for the Induction ceremony and Donna Munroe is not answering her damn phone Sheesh" 

The phone rang for the sixth time and Karma heard a click and then nothing

" Hello?, hello?

"Yes Karma I am here " Donna replied

Hi Donna, did you get the information to secure Marcus's compliance in the future? Karma asked with irritation dripping from her words 

Hey what is the matter Karma, did I sleep with your man last night or something, not even a good morning Donna , how are you?. Just straight to the point" Donna sassed