Chapter 99- Things take a turn

Two weeks later

Samantha ran breathlessly down the isle of the Plant, 

Shew she breathed "Joyce, Jason has been trying to reach you and you are not answering the telephone on your desk or the cell phone, why are you avoiding his calls?"

"I am not avoiding him Samantha, but I have been busy training the new girls in customer service and developing their phone etiquette. Ryan can't expect me to stand waiting on my phone to ring when things could be going wrong on the floor. Samantha look, some of these clients are paying handsomely for us to tele market their products and he gave me five new girls and move half of my previous team "

"It's your fault Joyce, you have proved to be the top supervisor month after month and based on your teams' income I hear that you have outperformed the special operators 

"Wow I have Samantha? yipeee, that is so fantastic."