Chapter 102- No place like home

"Joyce Maragh, I can't tell you how happy I am to see you Stanley shouted as the ambulance opened it's doors.

"Ahh hush up Stanley, I'm fine. It's just a flesh wound. I will be up and about in a few days. Why didn't you call. You must have heard what happened?. Stanley for over a week and you didn't think to call me?". Joyce asked with her brows knitted

"Joyce, nobody said anything to me until earlier this morning Karma called to say that she was bringing you back on a medical charter flight. I pissed my pants when she told me what you did. You are a very brave woman. This confirms it that you people that rules by the Taurus sign are no push over at all. Welcome home baby" 

"I have been calling and some man keeps answering the phone and keeps getting pissed when I ask to talk to you" Stanley said in furtherance to his defence