Chapter 118- History with Quan Wu

Meanwhile a few hundreds of miles away in an opulent town house in Pennsylvania

  "This is strange, I have not been able to reach Karma for a couple of hours and her phone's battery is either dead or the phone has been switched off. That is not like her at all. Let me try the house number if I can only remember where I save it," Quan muttered in frustration.

"What is the purpose of having a phone if you do not intend to answer it? Joyce normally answers her phone though."

Quan listened to the phone ring several times until it was picked up by her voicemail.

  "Shit what is it with these two women?" 

Two minutes later Donna Munroe answered on the first ring

"Yes Boss, how may I be of service?" Donna asked.

"I can't find Karma or Joyce, where are they?"

"Why are you so abrupt Quan Wu? You weren't always like that with me."