Chapter 124- Driven by revenge

The cold, dark earth was being trampled by the people in black as they watched the mahogany-coloured casket being lowered into the vault. Skylar James stood in the distance and watched the tears fall from Joyce Maragh's eyes and her lips parted in mockery of a smile.

"Now you know what it feels like to lose someone you loved. My mission has been accomplished to make you feel the pain of a part of you being ripped from the inside by an invisible hand. You, Joyce, was that invisible hand that drove my mother mad, and it ripped my family apart," Skylar said in a whisper. 

Skylar shifted uncomfortably as she realized that there was no overwhelming feeling of happiness. Instead, she felt hollow inside. She was truly alone.

"I killed him," Joyce whispered. "He was a good man; he did not deserve this at all. Instead of confessing, I attacked him. What am I going to do now?" Joyce mumbled softly.

A caramel-coloured finger encircled her pinky finger.