
Chapter 12: Underground, Part 1

A few hours later, Jack and Alex emerged into a large cavern. Torches along the sides of the smooth stone walls lit the large area. The sudden light stung Jack's eyes. He was glad to finally be able to see something other than blackness. Alex patted his hands on her shoulders as if reminding him they were still touching.

At the end of the large cavern, people similar to Oskowa gathered. These people lacked the war paint, and instead wore fine colorful clothing. Half of the people wore shiny suits of metal armor. Six men stood in the middle dressed in black robes, their beards long and grey. Cat eyes watched as the company traversed the distance.

"Welcome, Jack of Fire." The oldest of the black robed figures spoke solemnly. He stepped forward after the company came to a halt in front of them. "I am Kenshe. I am an Elder. You are our honored guest."

"Hello Kenshe, and Elders. I have come to make hot fire for you and in return I ask that you show us the way to the east."

"We are aware of your request and we will honor it."

"So, show me what you need done and let us be on our way."

"But you are our honored guest. We must have a feast to honor you."

"I don't need a feast. I just want to help you and get gone. I'll even take my she-devil with me."

"Oh yes, the she-devil." Kenshe's eyes narrowed in her direction. Jack squeezed her shoulders. "Unfortunately, the colors are upon us this day. It will take time until they shift again. It is unsafe to travel to the surface."

"You mean a magnetic pole has moved here? How do you know from way down here?" Alex blurted out.

Kenshe looked annoyed. "Quiet she-devil! I suggest you keep your mate in check, Jack of Fire. We won't tolerate such insolence."

"He's not my mate!" Alex said more harshly then she meant. Jack dropped his hands from her shoulders.

Kenshe glared at her. Alex raised her chin defiantly, but fell silent.

"First, we will throw you a festival, then you will give us hot fire, and then we will show you the way when the colors have passed." Kenshe turned to his servant. "Show them to their quarters."

"Can't we skip the festival?" Jack asked, but Kenshe and the other elders continued walking away. His servant beckoned them to follow and escorted them deeper into the depths of the Earth.

They followed the Antarians further into the tunnels. Lanterns hung low from the ceiling and lit the dark paths. Jack had to duck so his head didn't hit them. Every few steps fresh cool air streamed down from head sized holes in the ceiling.

After twenty minutes, the party arrived at an even bigger cavern. It dropped deep down to a flat rock floor. The sides were made up of thirty levels that opened into a great circle. Each level had a walkway with one side open to the large cavern and the other lined with rock and doors.

The underground city teemed with life. Antarians busily scurried along, each with their own business to attend to. Below their position lay a wide flat space surrounded by benches and tables.

Kenshe stopped and put his large hand on the tall servant's shoulder. "Weylin, you are to watch the she-devil closely. Two guards to each of them. Show them around if they wish."

The Elders turned and dispersed through the walkways. Weylin beckoned them to the right and led them down a set of stairs. Four guards clanked behind them. The servant wore a white tunic and brown pants that clung to his skinny figure. He stood tall compared to the other Antarians, but only came up to Alex's chin. His short brown hair stuck straight off his head, but his most brilliant feature was his bright green cat eyes that seemed to glow in the dark.

The party descended down twenty something levels and passed hundreds of doors before Weylin stopped. "Jack of Fire, this will be your room."

"Okay," Jack said.

"Please, sir, go in," Weylin said.

"I would like to see where you are sticking Alex."

Weylin hesitated and flicked his green cat eyes to the guards. "Okay sir. This way please."

They walked five more doors and then stopped. "Ma'am, you will be here." Weylin pushed the door open. Alex and Jack followed him in, but the guards remained outside.

The room was very large. It contained a large four post bed carved from rock, a desk made of metal and a couch with a metal frame. In the back corner, a large granite basin stood with shiny metal knobs. A small waterfall trickled into the basin filling the room with the sound of splashing water. A sink and toilet sat hidden behind a curtain near the basin.

"Nice digs," Jack said. "Alright what's next? Can we get started on this fire thing?"

A frightened look passed over Weylin's face. "Well, a, sir, we have to do the festival first before you can get to work."

"Alright son, it's okay," Jack said trying to calm the nervous boy down. "What do we do until then?"

"We were preparing for the festival of colors before your arrival. Now that you've come, you are the guest of honor. It should start in an hour. So I guess you could relax- or I could give you a tour?" Weylin offered.

"We would love a tour," Alex said.

Alex and Jack dropped their bags in their respective rooms. Weylin led them off down the walkway, the four clanking metal guards in tow. He directed them through many tunnels that ran around the outside of the cavern.

"Everyone lives in the Great Circle. It was carved and is still being carved out of the surrounding rock. Air vents run along the top of the cavern. There are vents in each room that run between the floors and walls so that each room gets fresh air. There is also water that flows into each level. In some of the nicer quarters near the bottom levels, there is water to each individual room. At the top levels there are community bathing areas instead."

Weylin steered the group down to the bottom level. When they passed near an entrance to the Great Circle, Antarians could be seen setting up tables of food that filled the air with salty aromas.

"The Great Cave is where many activities happen, such as gatherings and festivals. It is big enough for lots of people, but some people have to watch from up there." Weylin pointed to the higher level balconies.

He guided them through more back tunnels and up. They ended at a huge underwater lake. It shimmered black and mysterious against the lantern light. "Here is where our water comes from." He pointed to a series of metal gears and cogs that rotated at even paces. "And this is what regulates the water. It's powered by the heat from the Earth's magma. It also cleans the air."

"Some of the underwater cities run off of the Earth's heat," Alex commented.

"Is this what they want me to fix? Because I don't think I could make heat hot enough to continue to power this thing unless I stood there and did it forever," Jack said.

Weylin eye's flickered between the guards and back to Jack. "I couldn't say," he said. "The elders have brought you here and I am not privy to their council."

"I bet it has something to do with heating up their lava pits. Those things might have cooled down if the Earth's crust moved away from the hot spot," said Jack.