
Chapter 28: Breaking and Entering, Part 2

Alone now and listening to the fading footsteps of her defecting partner, Alex faced the large red letters. "Level 32" they read. Lexi was behind that door. This had to be it. Her two year fight would be over. She would be safe, Lexi would be safe. Alex sucked in the stale urine stained air and stilled her excited heart. She pushed the door open enough to peek in. Using the face of her watch as a mirror, she looked down the hallway.

Alex slunk down the darkened hallway like a cat. Only the floor edge lighting showed the way. Something didn't feel right. Either everyone was asleep or there was no one here. If no one was here, then why would they leave the floor lighting on? She stopped and listened for a moment. She heard no breathing coming from any of the rooms. There really was no one here, at least not on this level.