
Chapter 47: A New Look

"This could be a problem," Ellie murmured.

Alex had spent the last couple of days in the lab recreating the file, blueprints included. Ellie talked to herself often, but the way she said this made it seem as if she wanted to catch Alex's attention. Alex lifted her head to see what Ellie was talking about.

One of the screens was turned to a news channel. Two blurred pictures of Alex and Jack's faces appeared under a wanted sign. The pictures were in color, but neither clear enough to make out the face. Alex instantly recognized the shot taken at the first facility they had broken into, when she had first met Jack.

Alex twirled the end of her burgundy colored braid around her finger. Guess it was time for a new look.

"Do you think anyone will recognize us?" Alex asked.

Ellie shrugged. "I recognize you, but that's because I know you and Jack."

"Do you think the other humans in the Sanctuary will recognize us?"