Tom woke suddenly as the door to his closet cell opened. He rose to his feet sleepily. The guard slapped a pair of cuffs around his wrists and chained them to his ankles. He sighed inwardly. This wasn't exactly new to him. The guard led him down the narrow hallway. Doors lined the sides. Some of them stood open revealing identical cells.
The guard pushed him forward gently into an area where other small hallways converged. In front of them, the elevator buttons lit up. The guard punched the button and it slid open. After turning around in the elevator, the guard punched the "level 7" button and the lift accelerated quietly upwards.
Tom stood contemplating where they were taking him. Why would they be taking him anywhere? Maybe he would be a sacrifice. Like in the old times when they lined all the bad guys up and shot them in front of a firing squad. Only one of them could have done it, but maybe they would take them all out just for good measure.