
Chapter 92: Dust, Part 1

Two days after arriving at the bunker, Ellie and Tom packed their gear. Tom realized the second day in that the duffle full of antibiotics never made it with the doctor's group. And even though the stuff he had with him wouldn't be helpful to the women before they left, there was a good chance some of them got hurt on the way out and he was the only one with the medicine to help them. After this thought, he made a day trip out and scouted the area, but found nothing.

Tom changed the bandages to Ellie's burns daily. They were brown and waxy and starting to ooze yellow puss. She moved around as if nothing was wrong, though she was sweating a lot and breathing hard it probably wasn't helping the situation. He prescribed her an antibiotic and then had to practically force feed it to her with every meal. Tom wasn't a professional doctor or even a nurse, and if they didn't find some real help soon, there was a chance she wouldn't make it.