
Chapter 120: Addicted, Part 1

Tom watched the water swirl down away from him as the tank emptied. He spit out the mouthpiece and breathed a sigh of relief. He wondered if all this tank stuff was worth the trouble. Ronson's people had been working the tracks for months and never needed the radiation flush. They seemed just fine. He wasn't about to get into it with Ellie though, she'd probably go into some scientific argument and something about statistics and experiments. It was better just to keep quiet and do what she said.

He stepped from the tube into the makeshift lighting of the stringed LED lights over the locker room. It was surprising how much this place changed in the last few months. Brooke made it clear she didn't want to talk to him, so after helping Jimmy move his people in, he went out west to help lay track. It was nice to feel useful and use his body every day, but it was also nice to be back. He hoped he'd given Brooke enough time to forgive him.