
Chapter 146: Labor

Alex held her stomach as the pod approached the International Representative Combouya. She was fighting waves of nausea. She wasn't sure if it was nerves, excitement, or the baby. Maybe all three. She hadn't heard from Jack, but he was supposed to be here at the debate.

She had been covering her dislike of fake Jack and her complete revulsion of Henry. At least the fake Jack was nice. There were little things that he did that made her forgive herself for not noticing. If it had been Henry the whole time, she was sure she would have noticed something wrong earlier. Probably.

Abigail held her hand out to help Alex out of the pod when it finally stopped.

"Are you feeling okay?" She asked. "You look a little pale"

Alex waved her off. "I'm fine. The baby is fine, too. Don't worry so much."