
Chapter 213: Break up, Part 1

Jack felt energized for the rest of the day and sped through the bill he was reading. He didn't get much done though. His mind swirled around Alex and their child. His child. How could that be? His heart raced and his mind zipped. He had to figure out how to get her alone. This day had turned out better than it started. Instead of being sad for breaking up with Dyna he was exhilarated for the thrill of Alex. He could finally be with her, and what was more, she wanted him. Or at least he hoped she did. Otherwise, she wouldn't have come to see him, right? Maybe it was just because of the mission.

Panic strangled him and he fought it. He needed to stay rational, no sense in freaking out about nothing. He had done so much assuming in the past. That was what got him in this mess. He ran his hand through his hair. He would ask her straight up. No more games, no more worrying about hurt feelings, no more running away. He would be direct this time.