
Chapter 52: Tradeoff, Part 2

"Who else were you expecting?" Lexi asked. "It says my name on the door." The harsh tones in her voice pricked Jack's heart.

"Lexi Truex," Jack stated as if the truth had just dawned on him from above.

Lexi's fingers visibly clenched at her name. "Lexi Davenport," she corrected sternly.

"Sisters?" Jack asked, cocking his head slightly.


"Alex, is she your sister? If you're not a Truex, then you must be sisters."

Lexi relaxed her grip a little, obviously surprised by his question. "No, Alex is my mother. I took her name instead of my father's. My father is the reason I am in this place."

Jack's fingers worked his brow. Alex sent him here to save her daughter. Lexi wasn't a lover, Lexi was her daughter. Of course, this was why the file had been so important to her. She needed to save her daughter.

"Get your stuff."

Lexi stiffened. "I am not going for more tests tonight."