Chapter 3: Prelude to Destruction, Part 3

Celeste lifted her hand, hovering into the air over the soldiers and machines, looking down before all of them. The soldiers began to back away slowly, their weapons ready to fire.

"HEAR ME, HUMANS," she yelled, four feathered wings appearing from her back and a gold ring of energy forming behind her.


The sound caused the soldiers to cover their ears and shield themselves from a bright light shining.

With the child in her arms she flew straight up, the portal closing after her leave causing a massive shockwave to emanate through the sky. The ground shook as well, knocking the soldiers away and causing the machines to become disabled. Afterwards the light vanished, the sky being cleared, and the clouds moved away from the center of the portal Celeste opened.

Elsewhere, in a grassy field, some ancient structures stood by, idle. The ground began to shake, the wind pushing the grass from the center of an area in the field nearby the structures. Electricity flashed, and lights sparked in the air above the grass. The sparks burst and shined brighter, forming into a portal. Celeste stepped through, carrying Hinato through the portal as they arrived at their destination.

Celeste took in a deep sigh as she carried the boy and looked up. She began to hover over the ground, floating upwards, high into the sky, soaring at a high speed towards a large castle. As she passed, she flew by the city. The people were joyful seeing Celeste, the names "Goddess" and "Queen" were thrown around. Celeste smiled seeing her subjects cheer for her return. She flew towards her castle, the sun brightly shining over the blue sky. Her castle stood tall in comparison to most buildings and structures in the city. The castle was built like ones in the days of old but was still modernized.

She flew over the castle walls to the courtyard. This was also a roundabout in front of the stairs leading up to the front door. She hadn't even touched the ground yet, and her subjects had opened the doors of the castle for her already. Celeste climbed the stairs and stepped softly into the castle at a normal pace while admiring her abode. Her subjects bowed beside her as she passed by, and she was pleased that they remained so loyal to her. Celeste smiled and moved her hand upwards, gesturing that there was no need to bow at the moment.

"Rise, my subjects. There is no need. I've only been gone for a mere three days. You've done well managing the kingdom, and I thank you," she spoke softly to the servants in front of her.

The servants rose, pleased with being praised, and bowed again before resuming their duties in other rooms. Some ordered to get Celeste something to eat, some starting to clean the castle, and such.

As Celeste walked inside, her subjects closed the castle doors behind her. She looked up, marveling at her castle entrance, the room quite large. To her left was a large guest bathroom, the door closed, and to her right was the foyer. The castle had two stairways, both reaching the same destination: the second floor. This led to the grand hall as well as the east and west wings of the castle as well as an elevator to the higher floors of the castle.

The floors were made of marble and had a black color. In the center of the room, between the two stairs was a painting of two women and two men. As she walked, a young girl ran down the stairs of the castle from the grand hall, tackling Celeste. She didn't allow herself to fall back but was a bit startled. It was a small girl with light blue hair and fierce blue eyes like a cat's, wearing a t-shirt and shorts. The girl jumped repeatedly, full of excitement for Celeste.

"Lest! Lest!" she shouted, the child overjoyed to see Celeste.

"Mhm. I'm happy to see you too, Naisyn," she told her, putting Hinato down and patting the child's head.

Naisyn had two tails. The tails resembled that of a cat's and were the same shade of color as her hair. She purred softly as Celeste rubbed her head gently, and she rubbed her head onto Celeste's body. Celeste walked up the steps, picking up Hinato and carrying him in her arms, the boy remaining silent. Naisyn darted back upstairs, running off to her own affairs.

Celeste walked to the right stairway, climbing the steps to the second floor. She walked into the grand hall, where there were multiple windows to the left and an elevator to the right. Some more paintings hung on the walls and the floors in this room were made of granite in a black and white pattern. The ceiling was made of stone, but in the middle was a skylight. The walls were made of stone as well, and it was smoothed out and painted a bright yellow color.

Sitting on one of the chairs was another girl reading a book. The girl had black hair and dark violet eyes. Celeste strolled over and greeted her.

"Hello Nanao." The young girl straightened her hair and closed her book.

She stood up politely, curtsying to Celeste in front of her.

"Good afternoon, Celeste," she replied formally.

Celeste couldn't help but stifle a laugh. This young child was trying so hard to be formal and proper, to maintain an image. Celeste found this cute. Even though Nanao was the eldest of the children, she was still quite young. Celeste put Hinato down, the boy standing up but remaining silent, a bit shy. Nanao noticed him and looked over, bending down to look at the boy closer.

"Hi," She said to him, giving him a smile. The young child smiled back. Patting the child's head, Nanao stood up, looking to Celeste.

"He'll be staying with us?" she asked.

"Mhm. His name is Hinato," she said, the young girl's eyes questioning her.

"Hinato?" she repeated, Celeste nodding.

"It's his last name. He never gave me a first name. No matter how hard I try, he only responds to his last name," she answered.

"How about just giving him a first name, then?" Nanao suggested. Celeste thought for a moment before putting her hands together and nodding.

"Splendid! What should we call him?" she asked, thinking of multiple names.

"We'd have to really think. Something he'd like but nothing too long. Your names are-complex," she said to Celeste, who smiled and then looked at the boy. "There are many names-but I suppose it's only fair to give him a name that matches him," she said.

"Storm," Celeste interrupted, saying the name aloud.

"Why call him that?" Nanao asked.

"I sense a lightning attribute within him. He will be strong," She said to Nanao, looking to the boy. He remained oblivious to the conversation, as it didn't interest him.

Nanao sighed and shrugged, giving a nod.

"I should get the other three then, no?" she asked, Celeste nodding.

"We need introductions. This boy, Storm Hinato, is a part of our home now. One of you four is going to make a link, to become stronger with him," Nanao nodded, walking off to the west wing of the castle and seeking said preparations.

Celeste looked up to the glass of the ceiling in the grand hall, a smile on her face.