The day of the assassination I felt a strange calmness, my anxiety and fear no longer pressing down on me like a heavy stone weight.That day I made sure to see my parents one last time.I found my father, Abiasaph, in his surgery near the front of the palace, preparing for the day's patients.My father was a quiet, gentle man, his face long and lean, his gaze and expression always thoughtful as he practiced his profession.Although he catered to those who could afford to pay for a physician's skill, he used his own time to help those who could not pay in coin but would offer whatever they had in return.My father accepted no recompense for his service to these people who had so very little, the beggars in the street, the sick and infirm peasants of the city and countryside, and even the lepers.
I talked at length with my father, of simple topics such as the weather and what we could expect in the coming year with the blessings of Hapi, our river god, and Geb, god of the earth.When we exhausted our conversation, I kissed my father on the cheek, my mood light as I left him with a smile on my face.
Next I found my mother, Obiama, in the chambers of Princess Merytaten where she had been helping the bride-to-be choose the gowns and accessories she would take to her new home when she married Ranofer.Again, I spoke to my parent at length, our conversation pleasant, the topics we preferred to discuss centered on everyday events and feminine matters, clothing, jewelry, hair styles, who would be married next, who would likely become pregnant.Again, as I had done with my father, I kissed my mother after our talk and bade her good bye.As before, I felt at peace.
Early in the afternoon, I went in search of Prince Maimon and found him in his private chamber, peering over a scroll of some academic text.The prince took great pleasure in learning all he could and so employed several tutors, each an expert on a certain subject, be it art, music, drama, politics, or economy.At sixteen, Maimon possessed the maturity and physical attributes of a man with his tall, lean body and attractive features.Indeed he was a man, groomed to inherit his father's kingdom.But that would all end in an instant.
Thankfully, I found the prince alone.He acknowledged me with a slight nod and bade me to say what I had come to say.I told him that he was wanted in the nether chambers of Queen Kiya where an important message awaited him.Without hesitation, the prince stood and walked with me to the passageway that led to Queen Kiya's harem quarters.If he thought the arrangement odd that he should receive a message in his father's second wife's domain, Maimon said nothing, nor did he appear concerned or anxious.
When I showed him into the small antechamber where he was to wait for the bearer of the message, I bowed to the prince and then left the room.I waited in the corridor as the siege began, my mind blank, my body amazingly calm and steady.I heard the sound of swords coming out of their sheaths.Four guards would surround the prince but only one would slay him.It took very little time before three guards rushed out of the chamber and past me.One would stay behind, waiting for me when the time came.